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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vasiṣṭha Maitrāvaruṇi

Sukta 6


प्र स॒म्राजो॒ असु॑रस्य॒ प्रश॑स्तिं पुं॒सः कृ॑ष्टी॒नाम॑नु॒माद्य॑स्य ।

इंद्र॑स्येव॒ प्र त॒वस॑स्कृ॒तानि॒ वंदे॑ दा॒रुं वंद॑मानो विवक्मि ॥

prá sam-rā́jaḥ ásurasya prá-śastim puṃsáḥ kṛṣṭīnā́m anu-mā́dyasya ǀ

índrasya-iva prá tavásaḥ kṛtā́ni vánde dārúm vándamānaḥ vivakmi ǁ

I adore the Render, adoring I proclaim by my speech the deeds of the all-ruler, the almighty, the male, as Indra strong and to be rejoiced in by the peoples.


क॒विं के॒तुं धा॒सिं भा॒नुमद्रे॑र्हि॒न्वंति॒ शं रा॒ज्यं रोद॑स्योः ।

पु॒रं॒द॒रस्य॑ गी॒र्भिरा वि॑वासे॒ऽग्नेर्व्र॒तानि॑ पू॒र्व्या म॒हानि॑ ॥

kavím ketúm dhāsím bhānúm ádreḥ hinvánti śám rājyám ródasyoḥ ǀ

puram-darásya gīḥ-bhíḥ ā́ vivāse agnéḥ vratā́ni pūrvyā́ mahā́ni ǁ

Him they send the seer, the ray of intuition, the foundation, the light on the hill, the kingdom of peace in earth and heaven; I illumine with my words the great and ancient laws of working of Fire who rends the cities.


न्य॑क्र॒तून्ग्र॒थिनो॑ मृ॒ध्रवा॑चः प॒णीँर॑श्र॒द्धाँ अ॑वृ॒धाँ अ॑य॒ज्ञान् ।

प्रप्र॒ तांदस्यूँ॑र॒ग्निर्वि॑वाय॒ पूर्व॑श्चका॒राप॑राँ॒ अय॑ज्यून् ॥

ní akratū́n grathínaḥ mṛdhrá-vācaḥ paṇī́n aśraddhā́n avṛdhā́n ayajñā́n ǀ

prá-pra tā́n dásyūn agníḥ vivāya pū́rvaḥ cakāra áparān áyajyūn ǁ

The traffickers who have not the will for the work, the binders in knots, who have the speech that destroys, who have neither faith nor growth in the being, nor sacrifice, these the Destroyers Fire has scattered before him; supreme he has made nether in their realm those who will not to do sacrifice.


यो अ॑पा॒चीने॒ तम॑सि॒ मदं॑तीः॒ प्राची॑श्च॒कार॒ नृत॑मः॒ शची॑भिः ।

तमीशा॑नं॒ वस्वो॑ अ॒ग्निं गृ॑णी॒षेऽना॑नतं द॒मयं॑तं पृत॒न्यून् ॥

yáḥ apācī́ne támasi mádantīḥ prā́cīḥ cakā́ra nṛ́-tamaḥ śácībhiḥ ǀ

tám ī́śānam vásvaḥ agním gṛṇīṣe ánānatam damáyantam pṛtanyū́n ǁ

The powers that rejoice in the darkness behind, he most mighty in his godhead has made by his energies powers in front; that Fire I proclaim, lord of the Treasure, who is never bowed, who tames those that make battle against him.


यो दे॒ह्यो॒३่ अन॑मयद्वध॒स्नैर्यो अ॒र्यप॑त्नीरु॒षस॑श्च॒कार॑ ।

स नि॒रुध्या॒ नहु॑षो य॒ह्वो अ॒ग्निर्विश॑श्चक्रे बलि॒हृतः॒ सहो॑भिः ॥

yáḥ dehyáḥ ánamayat vadha-snáiḥ yáḥ aryá-patnīḥ uṣásaḥ cakā́ra ǀ

sáḥ ni-rúdhya náhuṣaḥ yahváḥ agníḥ víśaḥ cakre bali-hṛ́taḥ sáhaḥ-bhiḥ ǁ

He bent down the walls by his showering blows, he who has made the dawns wives of the Noble Ones; he the mighty Fire has put his restraint upon men and made the peoples bringers to him of his taxes by his forceful mights.


यस्य॒ शर्म॒न्नुप॒ विश्वे॒ जना॑स॒ एवै॑स्त॒स्थुः सु॑म॒तिं भिक्ष॑माणाः ।

वै॒श्वा॒न॒रो वर॒मा रोद॑स्यो॒राग्निः स॑साद पि॒त्रोरु॒पस्थं॑ ॥

yásya śárman úpa víśve jánāsaḥ évaiḥ tasthúḥ su-matím bhíkṣamāṇāḥ ǀ

vaiśvānaráḥ váram ā́ ródasyoḥ ā́ agníḥ sasāda pitróḥ upá-stham ǁ

He to whose peace all beings come by their movements praying for a right mind, the universal godhead came to that which is supreme above earth and heaven, Fire to the lap of the father and mother.


आ दे॒वो द॑दे बु॒ध्न्या॒३่ वसू॑नि वैश्वान॒र उदि॑ता॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।

आ स॑मु॒द्रादव॑रा॒दा पर॑स्मा॒दाग्निर्द॑दे दि॒व आ पृ॑थि॒व्याः ॥

ā́ deváḥ dade budhnyā́ vásūni vaiśvānaráḥ út-itā sū́ryasya ǀ

ā́ samudrā́t ávarāt ā́ párasmāt ā́ agníḥ dade diváḥ ā́ pṛthivyā́ḥ ǁ

The god took to him the riches of the Foundation, the universal godhead in the rising of the Sun gathered wealth from the nether and the upper ocean, Fire took to him the riches of earth and heaven.