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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vasiṣṭha Maitrāvaruṇi

Sukta 4


प्र वः॑ शु॒क्राय॑ भा॒नवे॑ भरध्वं ह॒व्यं म॒तिं चा॒ग्नये॒ सुपू॑तं ।

यो दैव्या॑नि॒ मानु॑षा ज॒नूंष्यं॒तर्विश्वा॑नि वि॒द्मना॒ जिगा॑ति ॥

prá vaḥ śukrā́ya bhānáve bharadhvam havyám matím ca agnáye sú-pūtam ǀ

yáḥ dáivyāni mā́nuṣā janū́ṃṣi antáḥ víśvāni vidmánā jígāti ǁ

Bring forward for the Fire, for the brilliant Light, thy mind and thy purified offering, the Fire who travels with knowledge between all the divine and human births.


स गृत्सो॑ अ॒ग्निस्तरु॑णश्चिदस्तु॒ यतो॒ यवि॑ष्ठो॒ अज॑निष्ट मा॒तुः ।

सं यो वना॑ यु॒वते॒ शुचि॑द॒न्भूरि॑ चि॒दन्ना॒ समिद॑त्ति स॒द्यः ॥

sáḥ gṛ́tsaḥ agníḥ táruṇaḥ cit astu yátaḥ yáviṣṭhaḥ ájaniṣṭa mātúḥ ǀ

sám yáḥ vánā yuváte śúci-dan bhū́ri cit ánnā sám ít atti sadyáḥ ǁ

May Fire be the wise one and the deliverer when he is born the youngest from the mother, he who pure-bright of tooth clings to the forests, many foods he devours in a moment.


अ॒स्य दे॒वस्य॑ सं॒सद्यनी॑के॒ यं मर्ता॑सः श्ये॒तं ज॑गृ॒भ्रे ।

नि यो गृभं॒ पौरु॑षेयीमु॒वोच॑ दु॒रोक॑म॒ग्निरा॒यवे॑ शुशोच ॥

asyá devásya sam-sádi ánīke yám mártāsaḥ śyetám jagṛbhré ǀ

ní yáḥ gṛ́bham páuruṣeyīm uvóca duḥ-ókam agníḥ āyáve śuśoca ǁ

In the rendezvous of this god in his flame-force, one whom mortals have seized, a white flame, and he has proclaimed that strong human grasp, Fire has illumined that which is ill-lit to the human being.


अ॒यं क॒विरक॑विषु॒ प्रचे॑ता॒ मर्ते॑ष्व॒ग्निर॒मृतो॒ नि धा॑यि ।

स मा नो॒ अत्र॑ जुहुरः सहस्वः॒ सदा॒ त्वे सु॒मन॑सः स्याम ॥

ayám kavíḥ ákaviṣu prá-cetāḥ márteṣu agníḥ amṛ́taḥ ní dhāyi ǀ

sáḥ mā́ naḥ átra juhuraḥ sahasvaḥ sádā tvé␣íti su-mánasaḥ syāma ǁ

This is the seer, the conscious thinker in those who are not seers, Fire has been set as the Immortal in mortals; then lead us not here astray, O forceful Fire, may we be ever right-minded in thee.


आ यो योनिं॑ दे॒वकृ॑तं स॒साद॒ क्रत्वा॒ ह्य१่ग्निर॒मृताँ॒ अता॑रीत् ।

तमोष॑धीश्च व॒निन॑श्च॒ गर्भं॒ भूमि॑श्च वि॒श्वधा॑यसं बिभर्ति ॥

ā́ yáḥ yónim devá-kṛtam sasā́da krátvā hí agníḥ amṛ́tān átārīt ǀ

tám óṣadhīḥ ca vanínaḥ ca gárbham bhū́miḥ ca viśvá-dhāyasam bibharti ǁ

He who has come to his native seat made by the gods, Fire delivered the gods by his will; the plants and the trees and the earth bear him who is the foundation of all.


ईशे॒ ह्य१่ग्निर॒मृत॑स्य॒ भूरे॒रीशे॑ रा॒यः सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ दातोः॑ ।

मा त्वा॑ व॒यं स॑हसावन्न॒वीरा॒ माप्स॑वः॒ परि॑ षदाम॒ मादु॑वः ॥

ī́śe hí agníḥ amṛ́tasya bhū́reḥ ī́śe rāyáḥ su-vī́ryasya dā́toḥ ǀ

mā́ tvā vayám sahasā-van avī́rāḥ mā́ ápsavaḥ pári sadāma mā́ áduvaḥ ǁ

Fire has power for a large Immortality, he is master of a wealth bounteous and full of hero-strength; O thou who hast strength with thee, let us not sit around thee shapeless, actionless, without hero-force.


प॒रि॒षद्यं॒ ह्यर॑णस्य॒ रेक्णो॒ नित्य॑स्य रा॒यः पत॑यः स्याम ।

न शेषो॑ अग्ने अ॒न्यजा॑तम॒स्त्यचे॑तानस्य॒ मा प॒थो वि दु॑क्षः ॥

pari-sádyam hí áraṇasya rékṇaḥ nítyasya rāyáḥ pátayaḥ syāma ǀ

ná śéṣaḥ agne anyá-jātam asti ácetānasya mā́ patháḥ ví dukṣaḥ ǁ

To be rejected is the abundance of the riches that bring no delight, let us be the masters of a wealth that is eternal; that which is born from another is not the Son; O Fire, turn not to wrong the paths of one who knows not.


न॒हि ग्रभा॒यार॑णः सु॒शेवो॒ऽन्योद॑र्यो॒ मन॑सा॒ मंत॒वा उ॑ ।

अधा॑ चि॒दोकः॒ पुन॒रित्स ए॒त्या नो॑ वा॒ज्य॑भी॒षाळे॑तु॒ नव्यः॑ ॥

nahí grábhāya áraṇaḥ su-śévaḥ anyá-udaryaḥ mánasā mántavái ūṃ␣íti ǀ

ádha cit ókaḥ púnaḥ ít sáḥ eti ā́ naḥ vājī́ abhīṣā́ṭ etu návyaḥ ǁ

Not to be accepted even though blissful is the son of another womb, not to be thought of even by the mind, for he brings with him no delight, soon even he returns to his home, let rather the new Horse come to us, the all-conquering.


त्वम॑ग्ने वनुष्य॒तो नि पा॑हि॒ त्वमु॑ नः सहसावन्नव॒द्यात् ।

सं त्वा॑ ध्वस्म॒न्वद॒भ्ये॑तु॒ पाथः॒ सं र॒यिः स्पृ॑ह॒याय्यः॑ सह॒स्री ॥

tvám agne vanuṣyatáḥ ní pāhi tvám ūṃ␣íti naḥ sahasā-van avadyā́t ǀ

sám tvā dhvasman-vát abhí etu pā́thaḥ sám rayíḥ spṛhayā́yyaḥ sahasrī́ ǁ

Do thou, O Fire, protect us from one who would conquer us, protect us thou, too, O forceful Fire, from blame; may there come to thee on a path full of destruction, come utterly a wealth thousandfold and desirable.


ए॒ता नो॑ अग्ने॒ सौभ॑गा दिदी॒ह्यपि॒ क्रतुं॑ सु॒चेत॑सं वतेम ।

विश्वा॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ गृण॒ते च॑ संतु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥

etā́ naḥ agne sáubhagā didīhi ápi krátum su-cétasam vatema ǀ

víśvā stotṛ́-bhyaḥ gṛṇaté ca santu yūyám pāta svastí-bhiḥ sádā naḥ ǁ

O Fire, light up for us these happinesses; let us wake to an understanding of thy perfectly conscious will; let all be there for those who laud thee, for him who utters thee; may you protect us always with all kinds of weal.