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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vasiṣṭha Maitrāvaruṇi

Sukta 2


जु॒षस्व॑ नः स॒मिध॑मग्ने अ॒द्य शोचा॑ बृ॒हद्य॑ज॒तं धू॒ममृ॒ण्वन् ।

उप॑ स्पृश दि॒व्यं सानु॒ स्तूपैः॒ सं र॒श्मिभि॑स्ततनः॒ सूर्य॑स्य ॥

juṣásva naḥ sam-ídham agne adyá śóca bṛhát yajatám dhūmám ṛṇván ǀ

úpa spṛśa divyám sā́nu stū́paiḥ sám raśmí-bhiḥ tatanaḥ sū́ryasya ǁ

Cleave to our fuel, O Fire, today, illumine the vast1 pouring thy smoke of sacrifice, touch the peak celestial with thy up-piled masses, then stretch them out to unite with the rays of the Sun.


नरा॒शंस॑स्य महि॒मान॑मेषा॒मुप॑ स्तोषाम यज॒तस्य॑ य॒ज्ञैः ।

ये सु॒क्रत॑वः॒ शुच॑यो धियं॒धाः स्वदं॑ति दे॒वा उ॒भया॑नि ह॒व्या ॥

nárāśáṃsasya mahimā́nam eṣām úpa stoṣāma yajatásya yajñáiḥ ǀ

yé su-krátavaḥ śúcayaḥ dhiyam-dhā́ḥ svádanti devā́ḥ ubháyāni havyā́ ǁ

Let us invoke, by the sacrifices of the lord of sacrifice who voices the godheads, the greatness of these who are pure, who are perfect in will, who are founders of the Thought-gods, they take the taste of both kinds of offerings.


ई॒ळेन्यं॑ वो॒ असु॑रं सु॒दक्ष॑मं॒तर्दू॒तं रोद॑सी सत्य॒वाचं॑ ।

म॒नु॒ष्वद॒ग्निं मनु॑ना॒ समि॑द्धं॒ सम॑ध्व॒राय॒ सद॒मिन्म॑हेम ॥

īḷényam vaḥ ásuram su-dákṣam antáḥ dūtám ródasī␣íti satya-vā́cam ǀ

manuṣvát agním mánunā sám-iddham sám adhvarā́ya sádam ít mahema ǁ

Fire who is to be prayed by you the mighty, the wise of understanding, the messenger between earth and heaven, whose speech is truth kindled as the human by the thinking man, let us greaten ever for the pilgrim-sacrifice.


स॒प॒र्यवो॒ भर॑माणा अभि॒ज्ञु प्र वृं॑जते॒ नम॑सा ब॒र्हिर॒ग्नौ ।

आ॒जुह्वा॑ना घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठं॒ पृष॑द्व॒दध्व॑र्यवो ह॒विषा॑ मर्जयध्वं ॥

saparyávaḥ bháramāṇāḥ abhi-jñú prá vṛñjate námasā barhíḥ agnáu ǀ

ā-júhvānāḥ ghṛtá-pṛṣṭham pṛ́ṣat-vat ádhvaryavaḥ havíṣā marjayadhvam ǁ

Desiring to serve, bringing the offering, kneeling with prostration they pluck the sacred grass; O priests of the pilgrim-sacrifice, casting it into the Fire speckled, with luminous back, brighten him with the offering.


स्वा॒ध्यो॒३่ वि दुरो॑ देव॒यंतोऽशि॑श्रयू रथ॒युर्दे॒वता॑ता ।

पू॒र्वी शिशुं॒ न मा॒तरा॑ रिहा॒णे सम॒ग्रुवो॒ न सम॑नेष्वंजन् ॥

su-ādhyáḥ ví dúraḥ deva-yántaḥ áśiśrayuḥ ratha-yúḥ devá-tātā ǀ

pūrvī́␣íti śíśum ná mātárā rihāṇé␣íti sám agrúvaḥ ná sámaneṣu añjan ǁ

The seekers of the godhead perfected in their thinking have come with yoked chariots and flung wide open the doors in their formation of the godheads, they have anointed him as if the two ancient Mothers caressing their child, as if rivers moving through level spaces.


उ॒त योष॑णे दि॒व्ये म॒ही न॑ उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ सु॒दुघे॑व धे॒नुः ।

ब॒र्हि॒षदा॑ पुरुहू॒ते म॒घोनी॒ आ य॒ज्ञिये॑ सुवि॒ताय॑ श्रयेतां ॥

utá yóṣaṇe␣íti divyé␣íti mahī́␣íti naḥ uṣásānáktā sudúghā-iva dhenúḥ ǀ

barhi-sádā puruhūté␣íti␣puru-hūté maghónī␣íti ā́ yajñíye␣íti suvitā́ya śrayetām ǁ

May too dawn and night, matrons great and divine, like good milch-cows, queens of sacrifice, queens of plenty called by many seekers, sit on the sacred grass and lodge with us for our happiness2.


विप्रा॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॒ मानु॑षेषु का॒रू मन्ये॑ वां जा॒तवे॑दसा॒ यज॑ध्यै ।

ऊ॒र्ध्वं नो॑ अध्व॒रं कृ॑तं॒ हवे॑षु॒ ता दे॒वेषु॑ वनथो॒ वार्या॑णि ॥

víprā yajñéṣu mā́nuṣeṣu kārū́␣íti mánye vām jātá-vedasā yájadhyai ǀ

ūrdhvám naḥ adhvarám kṛtam háveṣu tā́ devéṣu vanathaḥ vā́ryāṇi ǁ

I meditate on you, O ye two illumined Seers, doers of the work in our human sacrifices, knowers of all things born, for sacrifice; make high our pilgrim-sacrifice when we call: you win our desirable things in the gods.


आ भार॑ती॒ भार॑तीभिः स॒जोषा॒ इळा॑ दे॒वैर्म॑नु॒ष्ये॑भिर॒ग्निः ।

सर॑स्वती सारस्व॒तेभि॑र॒र्वाक् ति॒स्रो दे॒वीर्ब॒र्हिरेदं स॑दंतु ॥

ā́ bhā́ratī bháratībhiḥ sa-jóṣāḥ íḷā deváiḥ manuṣyébhiḥ agníḥ ǀ

sárasvatī sārasvatébhiḥ arvā́k tisráḥ devī́ḥ barhíḥ ā́ idám sadantu ǁ

In unison may Bharati with her Muses of invocation, Ila with gods and men, and Fire, Saraswati with her powers of inspiration come down to us, the three goddesses sit upon this seat of sacrifice.


तन्न॑स्तु॒रीप॒मध॑ पोषयि॒त्नु देव॑ त्वष्ट॒र्वि र॑रा॒णः स्य॑स्व ।

यतो॑ वी॒रः क॑र्म॒ण्यः॑ सु॒दक्षो॑ यु॒क्तग्रा॑वा॒ जाय॑ते दे॒वका॑मः ॥

tát naḥ turī́pam ádha poṣayitnú déva tvaṣṭaḥ ví rarāṇáḥ syasvéti␣syasva ǀ

yátaḥ vīráḥ karmaṇyáḥ su-dákṣaḥ yuktá-grāvā jā́yate devá-kāmaḥ ǁ

O divine maker of forms who hast the utter rapture, cast upon us that supreme transcendence, cause of our growth, from which is born in us the hero ever active with wise discernment, the seeker of the gods who sets to work the stone of the wine-pressing.


वन॑स्प॒तेऽव॑ सृ॒जोप॑ दे॒वान॒ग्निर्ह॒विः श॑मि॒ता सू॑दयाति ।

सेदु॒ होता॑ स॒त्यत॑रो यजाति॒ यथा॑ दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मानि॒ वेद॑ ॥

vánaspate áva sṛja úpa devā́n agníḥ havíḥ śamitā́ sūdayāti ǀ

sáḥ ít ūṃ␣íti hótā satyá-taraḥ yajāti yáthā devā́nām jánimāni véda ǁ

O tree, release thy yield to the gods; Fire the achiever of the work speeds the offering on its way. It is he who does worship as the Priest of the call, the more true in his act because he knows the birth of the gods.


आ या॑ह्यग्ने समिधा॒नो अ॒र्वाङिंद्रे॑ण दे॒वैः स॒रथं॑ तु॒रेभिः॑ ।

ब॒र्हिर्न॑ आस्ता॒मदि॑तिः सुपु॒त्रा स्वाहा॑ दे॒वा अ॒मृता॑ मादयंतां ॥

ā́ yāhi agne sam-idhānáḥ arvā́ṅ índreṇa deváiḥ sa-rátham turébhiḥ ǀ

barhíḥ naḥ āstām áditiḥ su-putrā́ svā́hā devā́ḥ amṛ́tāḥ mādayantām ǁ

Come down to us, O Fire, high-kindled, in one chariot with Indra and swiftly journeying gods; let Aditi, mother of mighty sons, sit on the sacred grass, let the gods, the immortals, take rapture in Swaha.


1 Or, blaze out vastly


2 Or, be with us for our happy journey.
