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Hymns to the Mystic Fire

Mandala Seven



Vasiṣṭha Maitrāvaruṇi

Sukta 1


अ॒ग्निं नरो॒ दीधि॑तिभिर॒रण्यो॒र्हस्त॑च्युती जनयंत प्रश॒स्तं ।

दू॒रे॒दृशं॑ गृ॒हप॑तिमथ॒र्युं ॥

agním náraḥ dī́dhiti-bhiḥ aráṇyoḥ hásta-cyutī janayanta pra-śastám ǀ

dūre-dṛ́śam gṛhá-patim atharyúm ǁ

Men have brought to birth from the two tinders by the hands’ fall the Fire voiced by the light of their meditations1; Fire that sees afar the flaming master of the house.


तम॒ग्निमस्ते॒ वस॑वो॒ न्यृ॑ण्वन्सुप्रति॒चक्ष॒मव॑से॒ कुत॑श्चित् ।

द॒क्षाय्यो॒ यो दम॒ आस॒ नित्यः॑ ॥

tám agním áste vásavaḥ ní ṛṇvan su-praticákṣam ávase kútaḥ cit ǀ

dakṣā́yyaḥ yáḥ dáme ā́sa nítyaḥ ǁ

The Shining Ones2 have set within in our dwelling-house closely regarding all to guard us from whatever side — that Fire which in his home sits eternal and all-discerning.


प्रेद्धो॑ अग्ने दीदिहि पु॒रो नोऽज॑स्रया सू॒र्म्या॑ यविष्ठ ।

त्वां शश्वं॑त॒ उप॑ यंति॒ वाजाः॑ ॥

prá-iddhaḥ agne dīdihi puráḥ naḥ ájasrayā sūrmyā́ yaviṣṭha ǀ

tvā́m śáśvantaḥ úpa yanti vā́jāḥ ǁ

Verily shine out in front of us, O Fire, with thy perpetual radiance; to thee continuous come plenitudes.


प्र ते अ॒ग्नयो॒ऽग्निभ्यो॒ वरं॒ निः सु॒वीरा॑सः शोशुचंत द्यु॒मंतः॑ ।

यत्रा॒ नरः॑ स॒मास॑ते सुजा॒ताः ॥

prá té agnáyaḥ agní-bhyaḥ váram níḥ su-vī́rāsaḥ śośucanta dyu-mántaḥ ǀ

yátra náraḥ sam-ā́sate su-jātā́ḥ ǁ

Fires come blazing out supremely from thy Fires, luminous, full of hero-might, there where are assembled men born to the perfect birth.


दा नो॑ अग्ने धि॒या र॒यिं सु॒वीरं॑ स्वप॒त्यं स॑हस्य प्रश॒स्तं ।

न यं यावा॒ तर॑ति यातु॒मावा॑न् ॥

dā́ḥ naḥ agne dhiyā́ rayím su-vī́ram su-apatyám sahasya pra-śastám ǀ

ná yám yā́vā tárati yātu-mā́vān ǁ

Give us, O Fire, O Forceful One, by the thought the wealth full of hero-power, full of progeny high-proclaimed which the Assailant with his demon magic cannot pierce.


उप॒ यमेति॑ युव॒तिः सु॒दक्षं॑ दो॒षा वस्तो॑र्ह॒विष्म॑ती घृ॒ताची॑ ।

उप॒ स्वैन॑म॒रम॑तिर्वसू॒युः ॥

úpa yám éti yuvatíḥ su-dákṣam doṣā́ vástoḥ havíṣmatī ghṛtā́cī ǀ

úpa svā́ enam arámatiḥ vasu-yúḥ ǁ

He to whom there comes in the light and in the dusk the young Damsel, luminous bearing the offering — it is his own dynamic thought that comes to him desiring the Riches.


विश्वा॑ अ॒ग्नेऽप॑ द॒हारा॑ती॒र्येभि॒स्तपो॑भि॒रद॑हो॒ जरू॑थं ।

प्र नि॑स्व॒रं चा॑तय॒स्वामी॑वां ॥

víśvāḥ agne ápa daha árātīḥ yébhiḥ tápaḥ-bhiḥ ádahaḥ járūtham ǀ

prá ni-svarám cātayasva ámīvām ǁ

O Fire, burn away from us all hostile powers with the consuming flames with which thou didst burn the afflicting demon, destroy Pain so that no voice of her is left.


आ यस्ते॑ अग्न इध॒ते अनी॑कं॒ वसि॑ष्ठ॒ शुक्र॒ दीदि॑वः॒ पाव॑क ।

उ॒तो न॑ ए॒भिः स्त॒वथै॑रि॒ह स्याः॑ ॥

ā́ yáḥ te agne idhaté ánīkam vásiṣṭha śúkra dī́di-vaḥ pā́vaka ǀ

utó␣íti naḥ ebhíḥ staváthaiḥ ihá syāḥ ǁ

O bright and most opulent, O Fire, who shinest and purifiest, as with whosoever kindles thy flame-forces, so with us too, by those lauds abide.


वि ये ते॑ अग्ने भेजि॒रे अनी॑कं॒ मर्ता॒ नरः॒ पित्र्या॑सः पुरु॒त्रा ।

उ॒तो न॑ ए॒भिः सु॒मना॑ इ॒ह स्याः॑ ॥

ví yé te agne bhejiré ánīkam mártāḥ náraḥ pítryāsaḥ puru-trā́ ǀ

utó␣íti naḥ ebhíḥ su-mánāḥ ihá syāḥ ǁ

As with those who have turned to thy flame-force, mortal men, our forefathers in many lands, with us too by these lauds in thy right-mindedness abide.


इ॒मे नरो॑ वृत्र॒हत्ये॑षु॒ शूरा॒ विश्वा॒ अदे॑वीर॒भि सं॑तु मा॒याः ।

ये मे॒ धियं॑ प॒नयं॑त प्रश॒स्तां ॥

imé náraḥ vṛtra-hátyeṣu śū́rāḥ víśvāḥ ádevīḥ abhí santu māyā́ḥ ǀ

yé me dhíyam panáyanta pra-śastā́m ǁ

May these men, heroes in the slayings of the Coverer, who work out the thought I have voiced, overcome all undivine mage-knowledge.


मा शूने॑ अग्ने॒ नि ष॑दाम नृ॒णां माशेष॑सो॒ऽवीर॑ता॒ परि॑ त्वा ।

प्र॒जाव॑तीषु॒ दुर्या॑सु दुर्य ॥

mā́ śū́ne agne ní sadāma nṛṇā́m mā́ aśéṣasaḥ avī́ratā pári tvā ǀ

prajā́-vatīṣu dúryāsu durya ǁ

O Fire, may we not dwell in the emptiness, nor in houses of men where there is no son3 and the hero is not, but around thee may we dwell in homes where there is good progeny, O dweller in the home.


यम॒श्वी नित्य॑मुप॒याति॑ य॒ज्ञं प्र॒जावं॑तं स्वप॒त्यं क्षयं॑ नः ।

स्वज॑न्मना॒ शेष॑सा वावृधा॒नं ॥

yám aśvī́ nítyam upa-yā́ti yajñám prajā́-vantam su-apatyám kṣáyam naḥ ǀ

svá-janmanā śéṣasā vavṛdhānám ǁ

This is the eternal sacrifice to which there comes the Rider of the Horse, to our house full of progeny and good offspring, our house increasing with the self-born Son.


पा॒हि नो॑ अग्ने र॒क्षसो॒ अजु॑ष्टात्पा॒हि धू॒र्तेरर॑रुषो अघा॒योः ।

त्वा यु॒जा पृ॑तना॒यूँर॒भि ष्यां॑ ॥

pāhí naḥ agne rakṣásaḥ ájuṣṭāt pāhí dhūrtéḥ áraruṣaḥ agha-yóḥ ǀ

tvā́ yujā́ pṛtanā-yū́n abhí syām ǁ

Protect us, O Fire, from the abhorred Rakshasa, protect from the harm of one who would war against us and do us evil; with thee as ally may we overcome those who would battle against us.


सेद॒ग्निर॒ग्नीँरत्य॑स्त्व॒न्यान्यत्र॑ वा॒जी तन॑यो वी॒ळुपा॑णिः ।

स॒हस्र॑पाथा अ॒क्षरा॑ स॒मेति॑ ॥

sáḥ ít agníḥ agnī́n áti astu anyā́n yátra vājī́ tánayaḥ vīḷú-pāṇiḥ ǀ

sahásra-pāthāḥ akṣárā sam-éti ǁ

May that Fire go beyond all other fires where is the Horse and the Son with the strong hand; traveller of the thousand paths reaches the imperishable things.


सेद॒ग्निर्यो व॑नुष्य॒तो नि॒पाति॑ समे॒द्धार॒मंह॑स उरु॒ष्यात् ।

सु॒जा॒तासः॒ परि॑ चरंति वी॒राः ॥

sáḥ ít agníḥ yáḥ vanuṣyatáḥ ni-pā́ti sam-eddhā́ram áṃhasaḥ uruṣyā́t ǀ

su-jātā́saḥ pári caranti vīrā́ḥ ǁ

This is that Fire who guards those who would conquer, he protects from evil the man who sets him ablaze; the heroes of the perfect birth move around him.


अ॒यं सो अ॒ग्निराहु॑तः पुरु॒त्रा यमीशा॑नः॒ समिदिं॒धे ह॒विष्मा॑न् ।

परि॒ यमेत्य॑ध्व॒रेषु॒ होता॑ ॥

ayám sáḥ agníḥ ā́-hutaḥ puru-trā́ yám ī́śānaḥ sám ít indhé havíṣmān ǀ

pári yám éti adhvaréṣu hótā ǁ

This is that Fire who is called4 in many lands, whom the giver of the offering sets ablaze and has lordship, round whom moves the Priest of the call in the rites of the path.


त्वे अ॑ग्न आ॒हव॑नानि॒ भूरी॑शा॒नास॒ आ जु॑हुयाम॒ नित्या॑ ।

उ॒भा कृ॒ण्वंतो॑ वह॒तू मि॒येधे॑ ॥

tvé␣íti agne ā-hávanāni bhū́ri īśānā́saḥ ā́ juhuyāma nítyā ǀ

ubhā́ kṛṇvántaḥ vahatū́␣íti miyédhe ǁ

In thee, O Fire, we cast many offerings gaining lordship, creating in the sacrifice both the eternal Travellers.


इ॒मो अ॑ग्ने वी॒तत॑मानि ह॒व्याज॑स्रो वक्षि दे॒वता॑ति॒मच्छ॑ ।

प्रति॑ न ईं सुर॒भीणि॑ व्यंतु ॥

imó␣íti agne vītá-tamāni havyā́ ájasraḥ vakṣi devá-tātim áccha ǀ

práti naḥ īm surabhī́ṇi vyantu ǁ

O Fire, these offerings most desired, incessantly bring to our formation of the godhead; to us may there come all delightful Powers.


मा नो॑ अग्ने॒ऽवीर॑ते॒ परा॑ दा दु॒र्वास॒सेऽम॑तये॒ मा नो॑ अ॒स्यै ।

मा नः॑ क्षु॒धे मा र॒क्षस॑ ऋतावो॒ मा नो॒ दमे॒ मा वन॒ आ जु॑हूर्थाः ॥

mā́ naḥ agne avī́rate párā dāḥ duḥ-vā́sase ámataye mā́ naḥ asyái ǀ

mā́ naḥ kṣudhé mā́ rakṣáse ṛta-vaḥ mā́ naḥ dáme mā́ váne ā́ juhūrthāḥ ǁ

Deliver us not, O Fire, to strengthlessness, nor to the ill-clad mindlessness, nor to hunger, nor to the Rakshasa, O thou with whom is the Truth, lead us not astray in the house or in the forest.


नू मे॒ ब्रह्मा॑ण्यग्न॒ उच्छ॑शाधि॒ त्वं दे॑व म॒घव॑द्भ्यः सुषूदः ।

रा॒तौ स्या॑मो॒भया॑स॒ आ ते॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥

nú me bráhmāṇi agne út śaśādhi tvám deva maghávat-bhyaḥ susūdaḥ ǀ

rātáu syāma ubháyāsaḥ ā́ te yūyám pāta svastí-bhiḥ sádā naḥ ǁ

Now, O Fire, teach to us the Words, do thou, O God, speed them to the lords of plenty, may both we and they abide in thy grace, do you protect us ever with all kinds of weal.


त्वम॑ग्ने सु॒हवो॑ र॒ण्वसं॑दृक्सुदी॒ती सू॑नो सहसो दिदीहि ।

मा त्वे सचा॒ तन॑ये॒ नित्य॒ आ ध॒ङ्मा वी॒रो अ॒स्मन्नर्यो॒ वि दा॑सीत् ॥

tvám agne su-hávaḥ raṇvá-sandṛk su-dītī́ sūno␣íti sahasaḥ didīhi ǀ

mā́ tvé␣íti sácā tánaye nítye ā́ dhak mā́ vīráḥ asmát náryaḥ ví dāsīt ǁ

Thou, O Fire, art swift to our call and rapturous is thy vision; O son of force, shine with a bright light. Burn us not since in thee and with thee is the eternal Son, let not the strength of the hero in us break us to pieces.


मा नो॑ अग्ने दुर्भृ॒तये॒ सचै॒षु दे॒वेद्धे॑ष्व॒ग्निषु॒ प्र वो॑चः ।

मा ते॑ अ॒स्मांदु॑र्म॒तयो॑ भृ॒माच्चि॑द्दे॒वस्य॑ सूनो सहसो नशंत ॥

mā́ naḥ agne duḥ-bhṛtáye sácā eṣú devá-iddheṣu agníṣu prá vocaḥ ǀ

mā́ te asmā́n duḥ-matáyaḥ bhṛmā́t cit devásya sūno␣íti sahasaḥ naśanta ǁ

Mayst thou not, who art with us in these god-kindled fires, denounce us for difficulty to bear thee; may not wrong thinkings from thee, O son of force, even by error come to us.


स मर्तो॑ अग्ने स्वनीक रे॒वानम॑र्त्ये॒ य आ॑जु॒होति॑ ह॒व्यं ।

स दे॒वता॑ वसु॒वनिं॑ दधाति॒ यं सू॒रिर॒र्थी पृ॒च्छमा॑न॒ एति॑ ॥

sáḥ mártaḥ agne su-anīka revā́n ámartye yáḥ ā-juhóti havyám ǀ

sáḥ devátā vasu-vánim dadhāti yám sūríḥ arthī́ pṛcchámānaḥ éti ǁ

O Fire, O thou with thy flame-force, rich with Treasure, become the mortal who casts his offerings in the immortal; that godhead founds in him the conquest of the riches to whom comes questioning the illumined seer, the seeker.


म॒हो नो॑ अग्ने सुवि॒तस्य॑ वि॒द्वान्र॒यिं सू॒रिभ्य॒ आ व॑हा बृ॒हंतं॑ ।

येन॑ व॒यं स॑हसाव॒न्मदे॒मावि॑क्षितास॒ आयु॑षा सु॒वीराः॑ ॥

maháḥ naḥ agne suvitásya vidvā́n rayím sūrí-bhyaḥ ā́ vaha bṛhántam ǀ

yéna vayám sahasā-van mádema ávi-kṣitāsaḥ ā́yuṣā su-vī́rāḥ ǁ

O Fire, thou art the knower of the great and happy path, bring to the illumined seers the vast Treasure by which, O forceful one, with a life unwasting, heroic in strength we may take rapture.


नू मे॒ ब्रह्मा॑ण्यग्न॒ उच्छ॑शाधि॒ त्वं दे॑व म॒घव॑द्भ्यः सुषूदः ।

रा॒तौ स्या॑मो॒भया॑स॒ आ ते॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥

nú me bráhmāṇi agne út śaśādhi tvám deva maghávat-bhyaḥ susūdaḥ ǀ

rātáu syāma ubháyāsaḥ ā́ te yūyám pāta svastí-bhiḥ sádā naḥ ǁ

Now, O Fire, teach to us the Words, do thou, O God, speed them to the lords of plenty, may both we and they abide in thy grace, do you protect us ever with all kinds of weal.


1 Or, by the scintillations of their thought the Fire voiced by them;


2 Or, the lords of the riches


3 Or, where no remainder is left.


4 Or, given offering
