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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vasūyava Ātreya

Sukta 26


अग्ने॑ पावक रो॒चिषा॑ मं॒द्रया॑ देव जि॒ह्वया॑ ।

आ दे॒वान्व॑क्षि॒ यक्षि॑ च ॥

ágne pāvaka rocíṣā mandráyā deva jihváyā ǀ

ā́ devā́n vakṣi yákṣi ca ǁ

O Flame, O purifier, bring to us by thy tongue of rapture, O god, the gods and offer to them sacrifice.


तं त्वा॑ घृतस्नवीमहे॒ चित्र॑भानो स्व॒र्दृशं॑ ।

दे॒वाँ आ वी॒तये॑ वह ॥

tám tvā ghṛtasno␣íti␣ghṛta-sno īmahe cítrabhāno␣íti␣cítra-bhāno svaḥ-dṛ́śam ǀ

devā́n ā́ vītáye vaha ǁ

Thou who drippest the clarity, thou of the rich and varied luminousness, we desire thee because thou hast the vision of our world of the Truth. Bring to us the gods for their manifesting1.


वी॒तिहो॑त्रं त्वा कवे द्यु॒मंतं॒ समि॑धीमहि ।

अग्ने॑ बृ॒हंत॑मध्व॒रे ॥

vītí-hotram tvā kave dyu-mántam sám idhīmahi ǀ

ágne bṛhántam adhvaré ǁ

O Seer, we kindle thee in thy light and thy vastness in the march of our sacrifice who carriest the offerings on their journey.


अग्ने॒ विश्वे॑भि॒रा ग॑हि दे॒वेभि॑र्ह॒व्यदा॑तये ।

होता॑रं त्वा वृणीमहे ॥

ágne víśvebhiḥ ā́ gahi devébhiḥ havyá-dātaye ǀ

hótāram tvā vṛṇīmahe ǁ

Come, O Will, with all the godheads for the giving of the oblation; thee we accept as the Priest of the offering.


यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒त आग्ने॑ सु॒वीर्यं॑ वह ।

दे॒वैरा स॑त्सि ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥

yájamānāya sunvaté ā́ agne su-vī́ryam vaha ǀ

deváiḥ ā́ satsi barhíṣi ǁ

For the sacrificer who presses the wine of his delight, bring, O Flame, a perfect energy. Sit with the gods on the seat of the soul’s fullness.


स॒मि॒धा॒नः स॑हस्रजि॒दग्ने॒ धर्मा॑णि पुष्यसि ।

दे॒वानां॑ दू॒त उ॒क्थ्यः॑ ॥

sam-idhānáḥ sahasra-jit ágne dhármāṇi puṣyasi ǀ

devā́nām dūtáḥ ukthyáḥ ǁ

O Flame, thou burnest high and increasest the divine laws and art the conqueror of a thousandfold riches; thou art the messenger of the gods who hast the word.


न्य१่ग्निं जा॒तवे॑दसं होत्र॒वाहं॒ यवि॑ष्ठ्यं ।

दधा॑ता दे॒वमृ॒त्विजं॑ ॥

ní agním jātá-vedasam hotra-vā́ham yáviṣṭhyam ǀ

dádhāta devám ṛtvíjam ǁ

Set within you the Flame who knows the births, bearer of the offering, youngest vigour, divine sacrificer in the seasons of the Truth.


प्र य॒ज्ञ ए॑त्वानु॒षग॒द्या दे॒वव्य॑चस्तमः ।

स्तृ॒णी॒त ब॒र्हिरा॒सदे॑ ॥

prá yajñáḥ etu ānuṣák adyá devávyacaḥ-tamaḥ ǀ

stṛṇītá barhíḥ ā-sáde ǁ

Today let thy sacrifice march forward unceasingly, thy sacrifice that shall bring the whole epiphany of the godheads. Strew the seat of thy soul that there they may sit.


एदं म॒रुतो॑ अ॒श्विना॑ मि॒त्रः सी॑दंतु॒ वरु॑णः ।

दे॒वासः॒ सर्व॑या वि॒शा ॥

ā́ idám marútaḥ aśvínā mitráḥ sīdantu váruṇaḥ ǀ

devā́saḥ sárvayā viśā́ ǁ

There let the Life-powers2 take their seat and the Riders of the Horse3 and the Lord of Love4 and the Lord of Wideness5, even the gods with all their nation.


1 Or, “for the journeying” to the luminous world of the Truth, or “for the eating” of the oblations.


2 The Maruts.


3 The twin Ashwins.


4 Mitra.


5 Varuna.
