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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Iṣa Ātreya

Sukta 7


सखा॑यः॒ सं वः॑ स॒म्यंच॒मिषं॒ स्तोमं॑ चा॒ग्नये॑ ।

वर्षि॑ष्ठाय क्षिती॒नामू॒र्जो नप्त्रे॒ सह॑स्वते ॥

sákhāyaḥ sám vaḥ samyáñcam íṣam stómam ca agnáye ǀ

várṣiṣṭhāya kṣitīnā́m ūrjáḥ náptre sáhasvate ǁ

O comrades, in you an integral force and complete laud to Fire the most powerful among the peoples, to the mighty child of energy.


कुत्रा॑ चि॒द्यस्य॒ समृ॑तौ र॒ण्वा नरो॑ नृ॒षद॑ने ।

अर्हं॑तश्चि॒द्यमिं॑ध॒ते सं॑ज॒नयं॑ति जं॒तवः॑ ॥

kútra cit yásya sám-ṛtau raṇvā́ḥ náraḥ nṛ-sádane ǀ

árhantaḥ cit yám indhaté sam-janáyanti jantávaḥ ǁ

Whom wheresoever they come into contact with, him men who have the power rapturously set alight in this house of man and all beings born strive to bring to birth.


सं यदि॒षो वना॑महे॒ सं ह॒व्या मानु॑षाणां ।

उ॒त द्यु॒म्नस्य॒ शव॑स ऋ॒तस्य॑ र॒श्मिमा द॑दे ॥

sám yát iṣáḥ vánāmahe sám havyā́ mā́nuṣāṇām ǀ

utá dyumnásya śávasā ṛtásya raśmím ā́ dade ǁ

Whenso we win completely the impulsions of force, completely the offerings human beings must give, then he gathers to himself the Ray of the light and the might and the Truth.


स स्मा॑ कृणोति के॒तुमा नक्तं॑ चिद्दू॒र आ स॒ते ।

पा॒व॒को यद्वन॒स्पती॒न्प्र स्मा॑ मि॒नात्य॒जरः॑ ॥

sáḥ sma kṛṇoti ketúm ā́ náktam cit dūré ā́ saté ǀ

pāvakáḥ yát vánaspátīn prá sma minā́ti ajáraḥ ǁ

Yea, he creates the light of intuition even for one who is far off in the night, the purifying and imperishable Fire ravages the trees of the forest.


अव॑ स्म॒ यस्य॒ वेष॑णे॒ स्वेदं॑ प॒थिषु॒ जुह्व॑ति ।

अ॒भीमह॒ स्वजे॑न्यं॒ भूमा॑ पृ॒ष्ठेव॑ रुरुहुः ॥

áva sma yásya véṣaṇe svédam pathíṣu júhvati ǀ

abhí īm áha svá-jenyam bhū́ma pṛṣṭhā́-iva ruruhuḥ ǁ

When in his service men cast down their sweat on the paths, they ascend to a self-born ground as if to wide levels.


यं मर्त्यः॑ पुरु॒स्पृहं॑ वि॒दद्विश्व॑स्य॒ धाय॑से ।

प्र स्वाद॑नं पितू॒नामस्त॑तातिं चिदा॒यवे॑ ॥

yám mártyaḥ puru-spṛ́ham vidát víśvasya dhā́yase ǀ

prá svā́danam pitūnā́m ásta-tātim cit āyáve ǁ

Him mortal man must come to know as one who holds the multitude of his desires so that he may establish in him all; he moves towards the sweet taste of the draughts of the wine and to the building of the house for man.


स हि ष्मा॒ धन्वाक्षि॑तं॒ दाता॒ न दात्या प॒शुः ।

हिरि॑श्मश्रुः॒ शुचि॑दन्नृ॒भुरनि॑भृष्टतविषिः ॥

sáḥ hí sma dhánva ā́-kṣitam dā́tā ná dā́ti ā́ paśúḥ ǀ

híri-śmaśruḥ śúci-dan ṛbhúḥ ánibhṛṣṭa-taviṣiḥ ǁ

Pure and bright, verily, is he and he tears our desert dwelling place1, like a beast who tears, a beast with golden beard and tusks of bright purity, he is like a smith whose force is unafflicted by the heat of the Fire.


शुचिः॑ ष्म॒ यस्मा॑ अत्रि॒वत्प्र स्वधि॑तीव॒ रीय॑ते ।

सु॒षूर॑सूत मा॒ता क्रा॒णा यदा॑न॒शे भगं॑ ॥

śúciḥ sma yásmai atri-vát prá svádhitiḥ-iva rī́yate ǀ

su-sū́ḥ asūta mātā́ krāṇā́ yát ānaśé bhágam ǁ

Yes, he is pure and bright and he is as one whose axe is like an eater and ever enters deeper; with a happy delivery his mother bore him, for he is an achiever of the work and wins enjoyment of the bliss.


आ यस्ते॑ सर्पिरासु॒तेऽग्ने॒ शमस्ति॒ धाय॑से ।

ऐषु॑ द्यु॒म्नमु॒त श्रव॒ आ चि॒त्तं मर्त्ये॑षु धाः ॥

ā́ yáḥ te sarpiḥ-āsute ágne śám ásti dhā́yase ǀ

ā́ eṣu dyumnám utá śrávaḥ ā́ cittám mártyeṣu dhāḥ ǁ

O Fire, to whom is poured the running stream of the offering of light, the man who is a happy ground for establishing thee, — in such mortals found the light, and the inspiration and the knowledge.


इति॑ चिन्म॒न्युम॒ध्रिज॒स्त्वादा॑त॒मा प॒शुं द॑दे ।

आद॑ग्ने॒ अपृ॑ण॒तोऽत्रिः॑ सासह्या॒द्दस्यू॑नि॒षः सा॑सह्या॒न्नॄन् ॥

íti cit manyúm adhríjaḥ tvā́-dātam ā́ paśúm dade ǀ

ā́t agne ápṛṇataḥ átriḥ sasahyāt dásyūn iṣáḥ sasahyāt nṝ́n ǁ

Even so, irresistible born, I receive the force of mind, the cow of vision given by thee. O Fire, then may Atri overcome the destroyers who satisfy thee not, may he overcome forces and men.


1 Or, the solid ground on; which we dwell,
