Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Vāmadeva Gautama |
Sukta 10
अग्ने॒ तम॒द्याश्वं॒ न स्तोमैः॒ क्रतुं॒ न भ॒द्रं हृ॑दि॒स्पृशं॑ ।
ऋ॒ध्यामा॑ त॒ ओहैः॑ ॥
ágne tám adyá áśvam ná stómaiḥ krátum ná bhadrám hṛdi-spṛ́śam ǀ
ṛdhyā́ma te óhaiḥ ǁ
O Fire, let us today make thee affluent with our lauds as thy vehicles to bear thee, — even that of thee which is as if the Horse, as if a happy will touching the heart.
अधा॒ ह्य॑ग्ने॒ क्रतो॑र्भ॒द्रस्य॒ दक्ष॑स्य सा॒धोः ।
र॒थीर्ऋ॒तस्य॑ बृह॒तो ब॒भूथ॑ ॥
ádha hí agne krátoḥ bhadrásya dákṣasya sādhóḥ ǀ
rathī́ḥ ṛtásya bṛhatáḥ babhū́tha ǁ
For now, O Fire, thou hast become the charioteer of a happy Will, of an all-accomplishing Discernment, of the Vast Truth.
ए॒भिर्नो॑ अ॒र्कैर्भवा॑ नो अ॒र्वाङ् स्व१่र्ण ज्योतिः॑ ।
अग्ने॒ विश्वे॑भिः सु॒मना॒ अनी॑कैः ॥
ebhíḥ naḥ arkáiḥ bháva naḥ arvā́ṅ sváḥ ná jyótiḥ ǀ
ágne víśvebhiḥ su-mánāḥ ánīkaiḥ ǁ
Become close to us, O Fire, by these hymns of illumination, right-minded with all thy flame-powers, thy light like the sun-world.
आ॒भिष्टे॑ अ॒द्य गी॒र्भिर्गृ॒णंतोऽग्ने॒ दाशे॑म ।
प्र ते॑ दि॒वो न स्त॑नयंति॒ शुष्माः॑ ॥
ābhíḥ te adyá gīḥ-bhíḥ gṛṇántaḥ ágne dā́śema ǀ
prá te diváḥ ná stanayanti śúṣmāḥ ǁ
Today uttering thee with these utterances may we give to thee, O Fire; thy strengths thunder forth like the heavens1.
तव॒ स्वादि॒ष्ठाग्ने॒ संदृ॑ष्टिरि॒दा चि॒दह्न॑ इ॒दा चि॑द॒क्तोः ।
श्रि॒ये रु॒क्मो न रो॑चत उपा॒के ॥
táva svā́diṣṭhā ágne sám-dṛṣṭiḥ idā́ cit áhnaḥ idā́ cit aktóḥ ǀ
śriyé rukmáḥ ná rocate upāké ǁ
Most sweet is thy vision, now in the day, now in the night; it shines out close to us like gold for its beauty and splendour.
घृ॒तं न पू॒तं त॒नूर॑रे॒पाः शुचि॒ हिर॑ण्यं ।
तत्ते॑ रु॒क्मो न रो॑चत स्वधावः ॥
ghṛtám ná pūtám tanū́ḥ arepā́ḥ śúci híraṇyam ǀ
tát te rukmáḥ ná rocata svadhā-vaḥ ǁ
Free from evil is thy body; it is like pure clarified butter, it is pure gold; that in thee is golden in its shining, for such is thy self-law.
कृ॒तं चि॒द्धि ष्मा॒ सने॑मि॒ द्वेषोऽग्न॑ इ॒नोषि॒ मर्ता॑त् ।
इ॒त्था यज॑मानादृतावः ॥
kṛtám cit hí sma sánemi dvéṣaḥ ágne inóṣi mártāt ǀ
itthā́ yájamānāt ṛta-vaḥ ǁ
Even the lasting hostility done, O thou who possessest the Truth, thou drivest away perfectly from the mortal sacrificer2.
शि॒वा नः॑ स॒ख्या संतु॑ भ्रा॒त्राग्ने॑ दे॒वेषु॑ यु॒ष्मे ।
सा नो॒ नाभिः॒ सद॑ने॒ सस्मि॒न्नूध॑न् ॥
śivā́ naḥ sakhyā́ sántu bhrātrā́ ágne devéṣu yuṣmé␣íti ǀ
sā́ naḥ nā́bhiḥ sádane sásmin ū́dhan ǁ
O Fire, auspicious may be all our friendship and brotherhood with you Gods. That is our centre, where is our home, where is that udder of the Cow of Light.
1 Or like the strength of heaven.
2 Or, away from the mortal who is exact in his sacrifice.