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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Ṛṣabha Vaiśvāmitra

Sukta 13


प्र वो॑ दे॒वाया॒ग्नये॒ बर्हि॑ष्ठमर्चास्मै ।

गम॑द्दे॒वेभि॒रा स नो॒ यजि॑ष्ठो ब॒र्हिरा स॑दत् ॥

prá vaḥ devā́ya agnáye bárhiṣṭham arca asmai ǀ

gámat devébhiḥ ā́ sáḥ naḥ yájiṣṭhaḥ barhíḥ ā́ sadat ǁ

Sing out some mightiest hymn to this divine Fire; may he come to us with the gods and, strong to sacrifice, sit upon the sacred grass.


ऋ॒तावा॒ यस्य॒ रोद॑सी॒ दक्षं॒ सचं॑त ऊ॒तयः॑ ।

ह॒विष्मं॑त॒स्तमी॑ळते॒ तं स॑नि॒ष्यंतोऽव॑से ॥

ṛtá-vā yásya ródasī␣íti dákṣam sácante ūtáyaḥ ǀ

havíṣmantaḥ tám īḷate tám saniṣyántaḥ ávase ǁ

He is the possessor of the Truth to whom belong earth and heaven and their guardings accompany his mind of discernment; for him the givers of the oblation pray, for him for their protection when they would win the riches.


स यं॒ता विप्र॑ एषां॒ स य॒ज्ञाना॒मथा॒ हि षः ।

अ॒ग्निं तं वो॑ दुवस्यत॒ दाता॒ यो वनि॑ता म॒घं ॥

sáḥ yantā́ vípraḥ eṣām sáḥ yajñā́nām átha hí sáḥ ǀ

agním tám vaḥ duvasyata dā́tā yáḥ vánitā maghám ǁ

He is the illumined seer and regent of these sacrifices, he and always he; that Fire set to his work who shall win and give the plenitude.


स नः॒ शर्मा॑णि वी॒तये॒ऽग्निर्य॑च्छतु॒ शंत॑मा ।

यतो॑ नः प्रु॒ष्णव॒द्वसु॑ दि॒वि क्षि॒तिभ्यो॑ अ॒प्स्वा ॥

sáḥ naḥ śármāṇi vītáye agníḥ yacchatu śám-tamā ǀ

yátaḥ naḥ pruṣṇávat vásu diví kṣití-bhyaḥ ap-sú ā́ ǁ

May he, the Fire, give us all happy peace for our journeying there whence are rained the riches in heaven, from all the planes, in the Waters.


दी॒दि॒वांस॒मपू॑र्व्यं॒ वस्वी॑भिरस्य धी॒तिभिः॑ ।

ऋक्वा॑णो अ॒ग्निमिं॑धते॒ होता॑रं वि॒श्पतिं॑ वि॒शां ॥

dīdi-vā́ṃsam ápūrvyam vásvībhiḥ asya dhītí-bhiḥ ǀ

ṛ́kvāṇaḥ agním indhate hótāram viśpátim viśā́m ǁ

Men who have the light kindle into his flaming, incomparable, by the opulent thinkings of this being Fire, the Priest of the call, the lord of all the peoples.


उ॒त नो॒ ब्रह्म॑न्नविष उ॒क्थेषु॑ देव॒हूत॑मः ।

शं नः॑ शोचा म॒रुद्वृ॒धोऽग्ने॑ सहस्र॒सात॑मः ॥

utá naḥ bráhman aviṣaḥ ukthéṣu deva-hū́tamaḥ ǀ

śám naḥ śoca marút-vṛdhaḥ ágne sahasra-sā́tamaḥ ǁ

Do thou, strong to call the gods, protect us in the Word, in all our utterances; increasing the life-powers powerful to win the thousands. Flame out blissfully for us, O Fire.


नू नो॑ रास्व स॒हस्र॑वत्तो॒कव॑त्पुष्टि॒मद्वसु॑ ।

द्यु॒मद॑ग्ने सु॒वीर्यं॒ वर्षि॑ष्ठ॒मनु॑पक्षितं ॥

nú naḥ rāsva sahásra-vat toká-vat puṣṭi-mát vásu ǀ

dyu-mát agne su-vī́ryam várṣiṣṭham ánupa-kṣitam ǁ

Now give us a thousandfold riches bringing the Son, bringing our growth, luminous, a hero-strength, abundant, inexhaustible.