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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 2


वै॒श्वा॒न॒राय॑ धि॒षणा॑मृता॒वृधे॑ घृ॒तं न पू॒तम॒ग्नये॑ जनामसि ।

द्वि॒ता होता॑रं॒ मनु॑षश्च वा॒घतो॑ धि॒या रथं॒ न कुलि॑शः॒ समृ॑ण्वति ॥

vaiśvānarā́ya dhiṣáṇām ṛta-vṛ́dhe ghṛtám ná pūtám agnáye janāmasi ǀ

dvitā́ hótāram mánuṣaḥ ca vāghátaḥ dhiyā́ rátham ná kúliśaḥ sám ṛṇvati ǁ

We create an understanding like pure light for the Fire that makes the Truth to grow, for the universal godhead. The priests of the word fashion twofold by the thought of the human being1 this priest of the call, as the saw carves a chariot, and join him into a whole.


स रो॑चयज्ज॒नुषा॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे स मा॒त्रोर॑भवत्पु॒त्र ईड्यः॑ ।

ह॒व्य॒वाळ॒ग्निर॒जर॒श्चनो॑हितो दू॒ळभो॑ वि॒शामति॑थिर्वि॒भाव॑सुः ॥

sáḥ rocayat janúṣā ródasī␣íti ubhé␣íti sáḥ mātróḥ abhavat putráḥ ī́ḍyaḥ ǀ

havya-vā́ṭ agníḥ ajáraḥ cánaḥ-hitaḥ duḥ-dábhaḥ viśā́m átithiḥ vibhā́-vasuḥ ǁ

He from his birth illumined both the firmaments, he became the desirable son of the Father and Mother. The ageless and inviolable Fire, firmly founded in bliss, with his riches of the Light, is the carrier of offering and the guest of the peoples.


क्रत्वा॒ दक्ष॑स्य॒ तरु॑षो॒ विध॑र्मणि दे॒वासो॑ अ॒ग्निं ज॑नयंत॒ चित्ति॑भिः ।

रु॒रु॒चा॒नं भा॒नुना॒ ज्योति॑षा म॒हामत्यं॒ न वाजं॑ सनि॒ष्यन्नुप॑ ब्रुवे ॥

krátvā dákṣasya táruṣaḥ ví-dharmaṇi devā́saḥ agním janayanta cítti-bhiḥ ǀ

rurucānám bhānúnā jyótiṣā mahā́m átyam ná vā́jam saniṣyán úpa bruve ǁ

By the will, in the order and law of a delivering discernment, the gods brought the Fire into being by their perceptions of the Knowledge. In his greatness shining forth with his blazing light I invoke him as the Horse so that I may conquer the plenitude.


आ मं॒द्रस्य॑ सनि॒ष्यंतो॒ वरे॑ण्यं वृणी॒महे॒ अह्र॑यं॒ वाज॑मृ॒ग्मियं॑ ।

रा॒तिं भृगू॑णामु॒शिजं॑ क॒विक्र॑तुम॒ग्निं राजं॑तं दि॒व्येन॑ शो॒चिषा॑ ॥

ā́ mandrásya saniṣyántaḥ váreṇyam vṛṇīmáhe áhrayam vā́jam ṛgmíyam ǀ

rātím bhṛ́gūṇām uśíjam kaví-kratum agním rā́jantam divyéna śocíṣā ǁ

To conquer the supreme bliss of the rapturous godhead, the undeviating plenitude full of the word of illumination, we accept the gift of the Flame-Seers2, the Fire that aspires, the Seer-Will shining with heavenly light.


अ॒ग्निं सु॒म्नाय॑ दधिरे पु॒रो जना॒ वाज॑श्रवसमि॒ह वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।

य॒तस्रु॑चः सु॒रुचं॑ वि॒श्वदे॑व्यं रु॒द्रं य॒ज्ञानां॒ साध॑दिष्टिम॒पसां॑ ॥

agním sumnā́ya dadhire puráḥ jánāḥ vā́ja-śravasam ihá vṛktá-barhiṣaḥ ǀ

yatá-srucaḥ su-rúcam viśvá-devyam rudrám yajñā́nām sā́dhat-iṣṭim apásām ǁ

Having gathered the sacred grass, stretching out the ladle of offering, men have set here in their front the Fire for the happiness, in his plenitude of inspiration, the Violent, the universal in godhead, the bright and beautiful, one who accomplishes the seekings of sacrifice of the doers of the works.


पाव॑कशोचे॒ तव॒ हि क्षयं॒ परि॒ होत॑र्य॒ज्ञेषु॑ वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषो॒ नरः॑ ।

अग्ने॒ दुव॑ इ॒च्छमा॑नास॒ आप्य॒मुपा॑सते॒ द्रवि॑णं धेहि॒ तेभ्यः॑ ॥

pā́vaka-śoce táva hí kṣáyam pári hótaḥ yajñéṣu vṛktá-barhiṣaḥ náraḥ ǀ

ágne dúvaḥ icchámānāsaḥ ā́pyam úpa āsate dráviṇam dhehi tébhyaḥ ǁ

O Fire, O purifying light, O Priest of the call, men in their sacrifices having gathered the sacred grass, desiring the work, sit around thy house which we must obtain as ours; found for them the Treasure.


आ रोद॑सी अपृण॒दा स्व॑र्म॒हज्जा॒तं यदे॑नम॒पसो॒ अधा॑रयन् ।

सो अ॑ध्व॒राय॒ परि॑ णीयते क॒विरत्यो॒ न वाज॑सातये॒ चनो॑हितः ॥

ā́ ródasī␣íti apṛṇat ā́ sváḥ mahát jātám yát enam apásaḥ ádhārayan ǀ

sáḥ adhvarā́ya pári nīyate kavíḥ átyaḥ ná vā́ja-sātaye cánaḥ-hitaḥ ǁ

He filled the two firmaments, he filled the vast sun-world, when he was born and held by the doers of the work. He is led around for the pilgrim-sacrifice, the Seer founded in the Bliss, as the Horse for the conquest of the plenitude.


न॒म॒स्यत॑ ह॒व्यदा॑तिं स्वध्व॒रं दु॑व॒स्यत॒ दम्यं॑ जा॒तवे॑दसं ।

र॒थीर्ऋ॒तस्य॑ बृह॒तो विच॑र्षणिर॒ग्निर्दे॒वाना॑मभवत्पु॒रोहि॑तः ॥

namasyáta havyá-dātim su-adhvarám duvasyáta dábhyam jātá-vedasam ǀ

rathī́ḥ ṛtásya bṛhatáḥ ví-carṣaṇiḥ agníḥ devā́nām abhavat puráḥ-hitaḥ ǁ

Bow down to the giver of the offering, set to his work the perfect in the pilgrim-rite, the knower of all the births who dwells in the house: for he is the all-seeing charioteer of the vast Truth, the Fire has become the priest of the gods set in front.


ति॒स्रो य॒ह्वस्य॑ स॒मिधः॒ परि॑ज्मनो॒ऽग्नेर॑पुनन्नु॒शिजो॒ अमृ॑त्यवः ।

तासा॒मेका॒मद॑धु॒र्मर्त्ये॒ भुज॑मु लो॒कमु॒ द्वे उप॑ जा॒मिमी॑यतुः ॥

tisráḥ yahvásya sam-ídhaḥ pári-jmanaḥ agnéḥ apunan uśíjaḥ ámṛtyavaḥ ǀ

tā́sām ékām ádadhuḥ mártye bhújam ūṃ␣íti lokám ūṃ␣íti dvé␣íti úpa jāmím īyatuḥ ǁ

Triple is the fuel of the mighty and pervading Fire purified by the aspiring immortals; one of three they have set in the mortal, the fuel of the enjoyment, two have gone to that companion world.


वि॒शां क॒विं वि॒श्पतिं॒ मानु॑षी॒रिषः॒ सं सी॑मकृण्व॒न्त्स्वधि॑तिं॒ न तेज॑से ।

स उ॒द्वतो॑ नि॒वतो॑ याति॒ वेवि॑ष॒त्स गर्भ॑मे॒षु भुव॑नेषु दीधरत् ॥

viśā́m kavím viśpátim mā́nuṣīḥ íṣaḥ sám sīm akṛṇvan svá-dhitim ná téjase ǀ

sáḥ ut-vátaḥ ni-vátaḥ yāti véviṣat sáḥ gárbham eṣú bhúvaneṣu dīdharat ǁ

This seer and lord of creatures human impulsions have perfected everywhere like an axe for sharpness. He goes overrunning the high and the low places; he holds the child born in these worlds.


स जि॑न्वते ज॒ठरे॑षु प्रजज्ञि॒वान्वृषा॑ चि॒त्रेषु॒ नान॑द॒न्न सिं॒हः ।

वै॒श्वा॒न॒रः पृ॑थु॒पाजा॒ अम॑र्त्यो॒ वसु॒ रत्ना॒ दय॑मानो॒ वि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥

sáḥ jinvate jaṭháreṣu prajajñi-vā́n vṛ́ṣā citréṣu nā́nadat ná siṃháḥ ǀ

vaiśvānaráḥ pṛthu-pā́jāḥ ámartyaḥ vásu rátnā dáyamānaḥ ví dāśúṣe ǁ

The male of the herds has been born in different wombs and he stirs abroad like a roaring lion, the universal godhead, the immortal wide in his might bestowing the riches and the ecstasies on the offerer of sacrifice.


वै॒श्वा॒न॒रः प्र॒त्नथा॒ नाक॒मारु॑हद्दि॒वस्पृ॒ष्ठं भंद॑मानः सु॒मन्म॑भिः ।

स पू॑र्व॒वज्ज॒नयं॑जं॒तवे॒ धनं॑ समा॒नमज्मं॒ पर्ये॑ति॒ जागृ॑विः ॥

vaiśvānaráḥ pratná-thā nā́kam ā́ aruhat diváḥ pṛṣṭhám bhándamānaḥ sumánma-bhiḥ ǀ

sáḥ pūrva-vát janáyan jantáve dhánam samānám ájmam pári eti jā́gṛviḥ ǁ

Universal godhead as in the ancient days has ascended glad by high thoughts to the firmament, to the back of heaven, even as of old he creates the riches for the creature born; wakeful he travels ever over the same field of movement.


ऋ॒तावा॑नं य॒ज्ञियं॒ विप्र॑मु॒क्थ्य१่मा यं द॒धे मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑ दि॒वि क्षयं॑ ।

तं चि॒त्रया॑मं॒ हरि॑केशमीमहे सुदी॒तिम॒ग्निं सु॑वि॒ताय॒ नव्य॑से ॥

ṛtá-vānam yajñíyam vípram ukthyám ā́ yám dadhé mātaríśvā diví kṣáyam ǀ

tám citrá-yāmam hári-keśam īmahe su-dītím agním suvitā́ya návyase ǁ

The sacrificial Fire whose home is in heaven and who possesses the Truth, the illumined seer with his utterance of the word whom life that grows here in the mother has set, him with his diverse journeying, his tawny hair of flame we desire, the deep thinking Fire for a new and happy movement.


शुचिं॒ न याम॑न्निषि॒रं स्व॒र्दृशं॑ के॒तुं दि॒वो रो॑चन॒स्थामु॑ष॒र्बुधं॑ ।

अ॒ग्निं मू॒र्धानं॑ दि॒वो अप्र॑तिष्कुतं॒ तमी॑महे॒ नम॑सा वा॒जिनं॑ बृ॒हत् ॥

śúcim ná yā́man iṣirám svaḥ-dṛ́śam ketúm diváḥ rocana-sthā́m uṣaḥ-búdham ǀ

agním mūrdhā́nam diváḥ áprati-skutam tám īmahe námasā vājínam bṛhát ǁ

Pure-bright, rapid of impulsion in his journeying, Fire that looks upon the sun-world, heaven’s ray of intuition, standing in the luminous planes, waking in the Dawn, Fire, head of heaven, whom no darkness can cover, him we desire with obeisance of surrender, the Fire of the plenitudes who is the Vast.


मं॒द्रं होता॑रं॒ शुचि॒मद्व॑याविनं॒ दमू॑नसमु॒क्थ्यं॑ वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिं ।

रथं॒ न चि॒त्रं वपु॑षाय दर्श॒तं मनु॑र्हितं॒ सद॒मिद्रा॒य ई॑महे ॥

mandrám hótāram śúcim ádvayāvinam dámūnasam ukthyám viśvá-carṣaṇim ǀ

rátham ná citrám vápuṣāya darśatám mánuḥ-hitam sádam ít rāyáḥ īmahe ǁ

The pure and rapturous Priest of the call in whom is no duality, the dweller in the house, the speaker of the word, the all-seeing, the visioned Fire set in the thinking human being who is like a many-hued chariot in his embodiment, him ever we desire and his riches.


1 Or, the human priest of the word by their thought


2 Or, the Bhrigus,
