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Hymns to the Mystic Fire

Mandala Three



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 1


सोम॑स्य मा त॒वसं॒ वक्ष्य॑ग्ने॒ वह्निं॑ चकर्थ वि॒दथे॒ यज॑ध्यै ।

दे॒वाँ अच्छा॒ दीद्य॑द्युं॒जे अद्रिं॑ शमा॒ये अ॑ग्ने त॒न्वं॑ जुषस्व ॥

sómasya mā tavásam vákṣi agne váhnim cakartha vidáthe yájadhyai ǀ

devā́n áccha dī́dyat yuñjé ádrim śam-āyé agne tanvám juṣasva ǁ

Bear me that I may be strong to hold the wine, O Fire, for thou hast made me a carrier flame of sacrifice in the getting of knowledge: I shine towards the gods, I put the stone to its work, I accomplish the labour1; O Fire, take delight in my body.


प्रांचं॑ य॒ज्ञं च॑कृम॒ वर्ध॑तां॒ गीः स॒मिद्भि॑र॒ग्निं नम॑सा दुवस्यन् ।

दि॒वः श॑शासुर्वि॒दथा॑ कवी॒नां गृत्सा॑य चित्त॒वसे॑ गा॒तुमी॑षुः ॥

prā́ñcam yajñám cakṛma várdhatām gī́ḥ samít-bhiḥ agním námasā duvasyan ǀ

diváḥ śaśāsuḥ vidáthā kavīnā́m gṛ́tsāya cit taváse gātúm īṣuḥ ǁ

We have made the sacrifice with its forward movement, may the word increase in us; with the fuel, with the obeisance they have set the Fire to its work. The heavens have declared the discoveries of knowledge of the seers and they have willed a path for the strong and wise.


मयो॑ दधे॒ मेधि॑रः पू॒तद॑क्षो दि॒वः सु॒बंधु॑र्ज॒नुषा॑ पृथि॒व्याः ।

अविं॑दन्नु दर्श॒तम॒प्स्वं१่तर्दे॒वासो॑ अ॒ग्निम॒पसि॒ स्वसॄ॑णां ॥

máyaḥ dadhe médhiraḥ pūtá-dakṣaḥ diváḥ su-bándhuḥ janúṣā pṛthivyā́ḥ ǀ

ávindan ūṃ␣íti darśatám ap-sú antáḥ devā́saḥ agním apási svásṝṇām ǁ

Full of understanding, pure in discernment, close kin from his birth to earth and heaven he has founded the Bliss. The gods discovered the seeing Fire within in the waters, in the work of the sisters.


अव॑र्धयन्त्सु॒भगं॑ स॒प्त य॒ह्वीः श्वे॒तं ज॑ज्ञा॒नम॑रु॒षं म॑हि॒त्वा ।

शिशुं॒ न जा॒तम॒भ्या॑रु॒रश्वा॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒ग्निं जनि॑मन्वपुष्यन् ॥

ávardhayan su-bhágam saptá yahvī́ḥ śvetám jajñānám aruṣám mahi-tvā́ ǀ

śíśum ná jātám abhí āruḥ áśvāḥ devā́saḥ agním jániman vapuṣyan ǁ

The seven mighty rivers increased the blissful flame2, white in his birth, ruddy glowing in his mightiness: the Mares went up to him as to a new-born child; the gods gave body to Agni in his birth.


शु॒क्रेभि॒रंगै॒ रज॑ आतत॒न्वान्क्रतुं॑ पुना॒नः क॒विभिः॑ प॒वित्रैः॑ ।

शो॒चिर्वसा॑नः॒ पर्यायु॑र॒पां श्रियो॑ मिमीते बृह॒तीरनू॑नाः ॥

śukrébhiḥ áṅgaiḥ rájaḥ ā-tatanvā́n krátum punānáḥ kaví-bhiḥ pavítraiḥ ǀ

śocíḥ vásānaḥ pári ā́yuḥ apā́m śríyaḥ mimīte bṛhatī́ḥ ánūnāḥ ǁ

With his bright limbs he has built wide the mid-world purifying the will by his pure seer-powers; wearing light like a robe around the life of the waters he forms his glories vast and ample.


व॒व्राजा॑ सी॒मन॑दती॒रद॑ब्धा दि॒वो य॒ह्वीरव॑साना॒ अन॑ग्नाः ।

सना॒ अत्र॑ युव॒तयः॒ सयो॑नी॒रेकं॒ गर्भं॑ दधिरे स॒प्त वाणीः॑ ॥

vavrā́ja sīm ánadatīḥ ádabdhāḥ diváḥ yahvī́ḥ ávasānāḥ ánagnāḥ ǀ

sánāḥ átra yuvatáyaḥ sá-yonīḥ ékam gárbham dadhire saptá vā́ṇīḥ ǁ

He moved all round the seven mighty Ones of heaven: undevouring, inviolate, neither were they clothed nor were they naked: here young and eternal in one native home the seven Voices held in their womb the one Child.


स्ती॒र्णा अ॑स्य सं॒हतो॑ वि॒श्वरू॑पा घृ॒तस्य॒ योनौ॑ स्र॒वथे॒ मधू॑नां ।

अस्थु॒रत्र॑ धे॒नवः॒ पिन्व॑माना म॒ही द॒स्मस्य॑ मा॒तरा॑ समी॒ची ॥

stīrṇā́ḥ asya sam-hátaḥ viśvá-rūpāḥ ghṛtásya yónau sraváthe mádhūnām ǀ

ásthuḥ átra dhenávaḥ pínvamānāḥ mahī́␣íti dasmásya mātárā samīcī́␣íti␣sam-īcī́ ǁ

Wide-strewn, compact, taking universal forms are his energies in the womb of the light, in the streaming of the sweetnesses: here the milch-cows stand nourished and growing; two great and equal companions3 are the mothers of the Doer of works.


ब॒भ्रा॒णः सू॑नो सहसो॒ व्य॑द्यौ॒द्दधा॑नः शु॒क्रा र॑भ॒सा वपूं॑षि ।

श्चोतं॑ति॒ धारा॒ मधु॑नो घृ॒तस्य॒ वृषा॒ यत्र॑ वावृ॒धे काव्ये॑न ॥

babhrāṇáḥ sūno␣íti sahasaḥ ví adyaut dádhānaḥ śukrā́ rabhasā́ vápūṃṣi ǀ

ścótanti dhā́rāḥ mádhunaḥ ghṛtásya vṛ́ṣā yátra vavṛdhé kā́vyena ǁ

Upborne, O Son of Force, thou shinest out wide holding thy bright and rapturous bodies; there drip down streams of the light and the sweetness, there where the Bull has grown by the seer-wisdom.


पि॒तुश्चि॒दूध॑र्ज॒नुषा॑ विवेद॒ व्य॑स्य॒ धारा॑ असृज॒द्वि धेनाः॑ ।

गुहा॒ चरं॑तं॒ सखि॑भिः शि॒वेभि॑र्दि॒वो य॒ह्वीभि॒र्न गुहा॑ बभूव ॥

pitúḥ cit ū́dhaḥ janúṣā viveda ví asya dhā́rāḥ asṛjat ví dhénāḥ ǀ

gúhā cárantam sákhi-bhiḥ śivébhiḥ diváḥ yahvī́bhiḥ ná gúhā babhūva ǁ

At his birth he discovered the teat of abundance of the Father, he loosed forth wide his streams, wide his nourishing rivers4; he discovered him moving in the secrecy with his helpful comrades, with the mighty Rivers of Heaven, but himself became not secret in the cave.


पि॒तुश्च॒ गर्भं॑ जनि॒तुश्च॑ बभ्रे पू॒र्वीरेको॑ अधय॒त्पीप्या॑नाः ।

वृष्णे॑ स॒पत्नी॒ शुच॑ये॒ सबं॑धू उ॒भे अ॑स्मै मनु॒ष्ये॒३่नि पा॑हि ॥

pitúḥ ca gárbham janitúḥ ca babhre pūrvī́ḥ ékaḥ adhayat pī́pyānāḥ ǀ

vṛ́ṣṇe sapátnī␣íti␣sa-pátnī śúcaye sábandhū␣íti␣sá-bandhū ubhé␣íti asmai manuṣyé␣íti ní pāhi ǁ

He carried the child of the father who begot him; one, he sucked the milk of many who nourished him with their overflowing. Two who have one lord and kinsman, for this pure male of the herds guard both in the human being.


उ॒रौ म॒हाँ अ॑निबा॒धे व॑व॒र्धापो॑ अ॒ग्निं य॒शसः॒ सं हि पू॒र्वीः ।

ऋ॒तस्य॒ योना॑वशय॒द्दमू॑ना जामी॒नाम॒ग्निर॒पसि॒ स्वसॄ॑णां ॥

uráu mahā́n ani-bādhé vavardha ā́paḥ agním yaśásaḥ sám hí pūrvī́ḥ ǀ

ṛtásya yónau aśayat dámūnāḥ jāmīnā́m agníḥ apási svásṝṇām ǁ

Vast was he in the unobstructed wideness and grew, for the waters many and glorious fed the flame; in the native seat of the Truth the Fire lay down and made his home, in the work of the companions, the sisters.


अ॒क्रो न ब॒भ्रिः स॑मि॒थे म॒हीनां॑ दिदृ॒क्षेयः॑ सू॒नवे॒ भाऋ॑जीकः ।

उदु॒स्रिया॒ जनि॑ता॒ यो ज॒जाना॒पां गर्भो॒ नृत॑मो य॒ह्वो अ॒ग्निः ॥

akráḥ ná babhríḥ sam-ithé mahī́nām didṛkṣéyaḥ sūnáve bhā́ḥ-ṛjīkaḥ ǀ

út usríyāḥ jánitā yáḥ jajā́na apā́m gárbhaḥ nṛ́-tamaḥ yahváḥ agníḥ ǁ

Like a height upbearing all5 in the meeting of the great waters, eager for vision for the Son, straight in his lustres, he is the Father who begot the shining Ray-herds, the child of the Waters, the most strong and mighty Fire.


अ॒पां गर्भं॑ दर्श॒तमोष॑धीनां॒ वना॑ जजान सु॒भगा॒ विरू॑पं ।

दे॒वास॑श्चि॒न्मन॑सा॒ सं हि ज॒ग्मुः पनि॑ष्ठं जा॒तं त॒वसं॑ दुवस्यन् ॥

apā́m gárbham darśatám óṣadhīnām vánā jajāna su-bhágā ví-rūpam ǀ

devā́saḥ cit mánasā sám hí jagmúḥ pániṣṭham jātám tavásam duvasyan ǁ

One desirable and blissful gave birth to him in many forms, a visioned child of the waters and a child of the growths of earth: the gods too met with the Mind the Fire, strong at his birth and powerful to act6 and set him to his work.


बृ॒हंत॒ इद्भा॒नवो॒ भाऋ॑जीकम॒ग्निं स॑चंत वि॒द्युतो॒ न शु॒क्राः ।

गुहे॑व वृ॒द्धं सद॑सि॒ स्वे अं॒तर॑पा॒र ऊ॒र्वे अ॒मृतं॒ दुहा॑नाः ॥

bṛhántaḥ ít bhānávaḥ bhā́ḥ-ṛjīkam agním sacanta vi-dyútaḥ ná śukrā́ḥ ǀ

gúhā-iva vṛddhám sádasi své antáḥ apāré ūrvé amṛ́tam dúhānāḥ ǁ

Vast sun-blazings cleave like brilliant lightnings to this Fire, straight in his lustres, growing as in a secret cave within in his own home in the shoreless wideness, and they draw the milk of immortality.


ईळे॑ च त्वा॒ यज॑मानो ह॒विर्भि॒रीळे॑ सखि॒त्वं सु॑म॒तिं निका॑मः ।

दे॒वैरवो॑ मिमीहि॒ सं ज॑रि॒त्रे रक्षा॑ च नो॒ दम्ये॑भि॒रनी॑कैः ॥

ī́ḷe ca tvā yájamānaḥ havíḥ-bhiḥ ī́ḷe sakhi-tvám su-matím ní-kāmaḥ ǀ

deváiḥ ávaḥ mimīhi sám jaritré rákṣa ca naḥ dámyebhiḥ ánīkaiḥ ǁ

Making sacrifice with my offerings for thee I pray, and pray for thy friendship and true-mindedness with an utter desire. Fashion with the Gods protection for thy adorer and guard us with thy flame-forces that dwell in the house.


उ॒प॒क्षे॒तार॒स्तव॑ सुप्रणी॒तेऽग्ने॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ धन्या॒ दधा॑नाः ।

सु॒रेत॑सा॒ श्रव॑सा॒ तुंज॑माना अ॒भि ष्या॑म पृतना॒यूँरदे॑वान् ॥

upa-kṣetā́raḥ táva su-pranīte agne víśvāni dhányā dádhānāḥ ǀ

su-rétasā śrávasā túñjamānāḥ abhí syāma pṛtanā-yū́n ádevān ǁ

We who come to thee to dwell with thee in thy home, O perfect leader of the way, holding all opulent things, may we, overflowing7 them with the full stream of inspiration, overwhelm the hostile army of the undivine powers.


आ दे॒वाना॑मभवः के॒तुर॑ग्ने मं॒द्रो विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑नि वि॒द्वान् ।

प्रति॒ मर्ताँ॑ अवासयो॒ दमू॑ना॒ अनु॑ दे॒वान्र॑थि॒रो या॑सि॒ साध॑न् ॥

ā́ devā́nām abhavaḥ ketúḥ agne mandráḥ víśvāni kā́vyāni vidvā́n ǀ

práti mártān avāsayaḥ dámūnāḥ ánu devā́n rathiráḥ yāsi sā́dhan ǁ

O Fire, thou becomest in us the rapturous ray of intuition of the gods that knows all seer-wisdoms; established in thy home thou settlest mortals in that dwelling-place, as their charioteer achieving their aim thou journeyest in the wake of the gods.


नि दु॑रो॒णे अ॒मृतो॒ मर्त्या॑नां॒ राजा॑ ससाद वि॒दथा॑नि॒ साध॑न् ।

घृ॒तप्र॑तीक उर्वि॒या व्य॑द्यौद॒ग्निर्विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑नि वि॒द्वान् ॥

ní duroṇé amṛ́taḥ mártyānām rā́jā sasāda vidáthāni sā́dhan ǀ

ghṛtá-pratīkaḥ urviyā́ ví adyaut agníḥ víśvāni kā́vyāni vidvā́n ǁ

In the gated house of mortals the immortal sat as King accomplishing the things of knowledge: the Fire shone out in his wideness with his luminous front, knower of all seer-wisdoms.


आ नो॑ गहि स॒ख्येभिः॑ शि॒वेभि॑र्म॒हान्म॒हीभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ सर॒ण्यन् ।

अ॒स्मे र॒यिं ब॑हु॒लं संत॑रुत्रं सु॒वाचं॑ भा॒गं य॒शसं॑ कृधी नः ॥

ā́ naḥ gahi sakhyébhiḥ śivébhiḥ mahā́n mahī́bhiḥ ūtí-bhiḥ saraṇyán ǀ

asmé␣íti rayím bahulám sám-tarutram su-vā́cam bhāgám yaśásam kṛdhi naḥ ǁ

Come to us in a rapid approach with thy happy befriendings, mighty, come with thy mighty protectings; in us the abundance of the delivering riches, for us our glorious high-worded portion create.


ए॒ता ते॑ अग्ने॒ जनि॑मा॒ सना॑नि॒ प्र पू॒र्व्याय॒ नूत॑नानि वोचं ।

म॒हांति॒ वृष्णे॒ सव॑ना कृ॒तेमा जन्मं॑जन्म॒न्निहि॑तो जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥

etā́ te agne jánima sánāni prá pūrvyā́ya nū́tanāni vocam ǀ

mahā́nti vṛ́ṣṇe sávanā kṛtā́ imā́ jánman-janman ní-hitaḥ jātá-vedāḥ ǁ

O Fire, these are thy eternal births which I have declared to thee, ever new births for the ancient flame: great are the offerings of the Wine we have made for the mighty one. He is the knower of all births set within in birth and birth.


जन्मं॑जन्म॒न् निहि॑तो जा॒तवे॑दा वि॒श्वामि॑त्रेभिरिध्यते॒ अज॑स्रः ।

तस्य॑ व॒यं सु॑म॒तौ य॒ज्ञिय॒स्यापि॑ भ॒द्रे सौ॑मन॒से स्या॑म ॥

jánman-janman ní-hitaḥ jātá-vedāḥ viśvā́mitrebhiḥ idhyate ájasraḥ ǀ

tásya vayám su-matáu yajñíyasya ápi bhadré saumanasé syāma ǁ

The knower of all births set within in birth and birth is kindled by Vishwamitra, an unceasing flame; in the true thinking of this lord of sacrifice, in a happy right-mindedness may we abide.


इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं स॑हसाव॒न् त्वं नो॑ देव॒त्रा धे॑हि सुक्रतो॒ ररा॑णः ।

प्र यं॑सि होतर्बृह॒तीरिषो॒ नोऽग्ने॒ महि॒ द्रवि॑ण॒मा य॑जस्व ॥

imám yajñám sahasā-van tvám naḥ deva-trā́ dhehi sukrato␣íti␣su-krato rárāṇaḥ ǀ

prá yaṃsi hotaḥ bṛhatī́ḥ íṣaḥ naḥ agne máhi dráviṇam ā́ yajasva ǁ

O forceful God, O strong Will, establish this sacrifice of ours in the gods and take in it thy delight: O Priest of the call, extend to us the vast impulsions; O Fire, bring to us by sacrifice the great Treasure.


इळा॑मग्ने पुरु॒दंसं॑ स॒निं गोः श॑श्वत्त॒मं हव॑मानाय साध ।

स्यान्नः॑ सू॒नुस्तन॑यो वि॒जावाग्ने॒ सा ते॑ सुम॒तिर्भू॑त्व॒स्मे ॥

íḷām agne puru-dáṃsam saním góḥ śaśvat-tamám hávamānāya sādha ǀ

syā́t naḥ sūnúḥ tánayaḥ vijā́-vā agne sā́ te su-matíḥ bhūtu asmé␣íti ǁ

O Fire, achieve at my call the Revealing Speech, the many-actioned, the lasting conquest of the Light. May there be for us a Son of our begetting pervading in his birth8; O Fire, may there be created in us that true thinking of thine.


1 Or, I attain to the peace;


2 Or, increased him in his beauty.


3 Or, vast and whole


4 Or, he loosed forth the milch-cows;


5 Or, all like one moving and upbearing all


6 Or, most admirable


7 Or, smiting.


8 Or, himself a begetter
