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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Parāśara Śāktya

Sukta 65


प॒श्वा न ता॒युं गुहा॒ चतं॑तं॒ नमो॑ युजा॒नं नमो॒ वहं॑तं ॥

स॒जोषा॒ धीराः॑ प॒दैरनु॑ ग्म॒न्नुप॑ त्वा सीद॒न्विश्वे॒ यज॑त्राः ॥

paśvā́ ná tāyúm gúhā cátantam námaḥ yujānám námaḥ váhantam ǁ

sa-jóṣāḥ dhī́rāḥ padáiḥ ánu gman úpa tvā sīdan víśve yájatrāḥ ǁ

He hides himself like a thief with the cow of vision in the secret cavern, he takes to himself our adoration, and thither he carries it1. The thinkers take a common joy in him, they follow him by his footprints; all the Masters of sacrifice come to thee, O Flame, in the secrecy.


ऋ॒तस्य॑ दे॒वा अनु॑ व्र॒ता गु॒र्भुव॒त्परि॑ष्टि॒र्द्यौर्न भूम॑ ॥

वर्धं॑ती॒मापः॑ प॒न्वा सुशि॑श्विमृ॒तस्य॒ योना॒ गर्भे॒ सुजा॑तं ॥

ṛtásya devā́ḥ ánu vratā́ guḥ bhúvat páriṣṭiḥ dyáuḥ ná bhū́ma ǁ

várdhanti īm ā́paḥ panvā́ sú-śiśvim ṛtásya yónā gárbhe sú-jātam ǁ

The Gods follow after him the law of the workings of Truth. He stands encompassing all as heaven the earth. The Waters make him grow increasing in his bulk by their toil2, the Flame well-born in their womb, in the abode of the Truth.


पु॒ष्टिर्न र॒ण्वा क्षि॒तिर्न पृ॒थ्वी गि॒रिर्न भुज्म॒ क्षोदो॒ न शं॒भु ॥

अत्यो॒ नाज्म॒न्त्सर्ग॑प्रतक्तः॒ सिंधु॒र्न क्षोदः॒ क ईं॑ वराते ॥

puṣṭíḥ ná raṇvā́ kṣitíḥ ná pṛthvī́ giríḥ ná bhújma kṣódaḥ ná śam-bhú ǁ

átyaḥ ná ájman sárga-prataktaḥ síndhuḥ ná kṣódaḥ káḥ īm varāte ǁ

He is as if a delightful thriving, he is like the earth our wide dwelling-place. He is enjoyable like a hill and bliss-giving like fast-running water. He is like a charger in the battle rushing to the gallop and like a flowing river3; who shall hedge in his course?


जा॒मिः सिंधू॑नां॒ भ्राते॑व॒ स्वस्रा॒मिभ्या॒न्न राजा॒ वना॑न्यत्ति ॥

यद्वात॑जूतो॒ वना॒ व्यस्था॑द॒ग्निर्ह॑ दाति॒ रोमा॑ पृथि॒व्याः ॥

jāmíḥ síndhūnām bhrā́tā-iva svásrām íbhyān ná rā́jā vánāni atti ǁ

yát vā́ta-jūtaḥ vánā ví ásthāt agníḥ ha dāti róma pṛthivyā́ḥ ǁ

He is the close comrade of the Rivers as is a brother of his sisters. He devours the earth’s forests as a king his enemies. When driven by the breath of the wind he ranges around the forests, the Flame tears asunder the hairs of Earth’s body.


श्वसि॑त्य॒प्सु हं॒सो न सीद॒न् क्रत्वा॒ चेति॑ष्ठो वि॒शामु॑ष॒र्भुत् ॥

सोमो॒ न वे॒धा ऋ॒तप्र॑जातः प॒शुर्न शिश्वा॑ वि॒भुर्दू॒रेभाः॑ ॥

śvásiti ap-sú haṃsáḥ ná sī́dan krátvā cétiṣṭhaḥ viśā́m uṣaḥ-bhút ǁ

sómaḥ ná vedhā́ḥ ṛtá-prajātaḥ paśúḥ ná śíśvā vi-bhúḥ dūré-bhāḥ ǁ

He breathes in the Waters like a seated swan. Waking in the dawn he has power by the will of his works to give knowledge to the peoples. He is like the God of the Wine, born of the Truth and a creator. He is like a cow with her newborn. He is wide-spreading and his light is seen from afar.


1 Or better, he takes to himself our surrender, he carries with him our surrender.


2 Or, by their chant,


3 Or, like a sea in its motion,
