Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Kamala’s Correspondence with
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
Fragment ID: 15775
(this fragment is largest or earliest found passage)
Sri Aurobindo — Kamala Amin
August 26, 1933
There was a terrace and all the sadhaks were meditating but some were talking amongst them. Mother, when you came down the stairs for meditation, you saw some of them talking. Seeing this, you said, “Even while meditating you talk!” You became very angry and went upstairs suddenly. Seeing this, I felt that now we would not have the chance to offer pranam to Mother. So I followed her but I could not utter a word. Looking at my sad face, Mother said, “All are allowed to offer their pranams.” Then we all bowed down to her and Mother gave us flowers, which we carried happily with us.
Mother, does it have any meaning?
No, it has no symbolic meaning – it is simply something that you saw on the vital plane.
Sri Aurobindo