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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1937

Letter ID: 1895

Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar

April 1, 1937

Have you ever had a headache by giving up tea?...

Yes, of course. Whenever you stop it suddenly, gives headache in revenge.

Today I stopped the habit of morning tea. The result: a headache since 11 a.m. Or is it the Force trying to break my precious head?

No, it is the tea-habit, furious at being given up.

About K’s baby – there seems hardly any improvement in the number of stools, except that blood has stopped. don’t you think the number should decrease now; if possible, stop altogether?

Decrease certainly – slow down to nothing – but sudden stoppage might not be so good – although usually if it is the right medicine it does happen.

Does Mother favour Dover’s powder? That will reduce the number which was 20 today.

Can’t suggest anything,– since medicine needed, must find your way.

20 motions in a day too much for a child of that age.