Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 1. 1933
Letter ID: 1145
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
October 26, 1933
I send a poem for your kind perusal and opinion. There is hardly any originality in thought and expression. Will you kindly tell me how to acquire power and subtlety in writing, both of which I seem to lack awfully? And do you think the style and originality in technique come in automatically or one has to consciously strive for them?
The opening and close of the poem are rather poor, but in between it is well written, as it seems to me, and there are some good lines.
The original poetry comes in when you get back from the mind and outer vital to some inner source or at least channel of inspiration. Aspiration for that is better than to strive.