Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 1. 1933
Letter ID: 1136
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
August 30, 1933
Mother, I had been expecting that after getting your touch, I would sit down to write poetry; but I failed to secure the thing I was seeking for in your touch. And then I began to think, with a depressed heart, what is precisely wrong in me. Do you like us to ask for your power and force for writing poetry etc.?
The depression is quite out of place – of course it came because you had a rajasic expectation which got disappointed.
In the Pranam the Mother puts her force for whatever she sees to be necessary in the sadhana. She would not do it specifically for giving you a poetic inspiration. For that you have only to keep yourself open and it will come of itself whenever it is due. But there should be no over-eagerness – a harmonious listening quietude is the best medium for the rush of inspiration to come.