Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 1. 1933
Letter ID: 1097
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
April 8, 1933
Is this vital interchange one of the reasons why many sadhaks segregate themselves?
Yes. Not the drawing of vital forces alone, but the invasion by the ideas, feelings, atmosphere of others, hampering the sadhana, is one of the chief reasons of the turn towards segregation and solitude.
How to increase the vital resistance by which these indrawings or outgoings can be prevented?
It is partly by being vigilant and having a self-protecting will; partly by a capacity to call in and replenish the forces at any moment that one can best meet the difficulty.
I tried to meditate but I had to simply give it up, and sleep came in and with it what confused dreams!
When you cannot meditate, remain quiet and call in the Mother’s Peace or Force.