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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 913

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

March 7, 1937

Very well. As the urge continues, we consent to what you propose. You can go and take this rest cure in Calcutta and Almora and you can go with our full consent and blessings and without any apprehension of the dire consequences you have been threatened with as the result of your temporary absence.

I don’t know whether it is possible to get the deed of sale before next Sunday or rely on their sending it soon. These things always drag on for one reason or another; moreover the Brahman Sabha are particular about sending one of their own people, I think, and they may take their time about it – they were speaking of sending it to Bangalore when you were there. It might be better to obviate all that by signing it in Calcutta, informing beforehand that you are coming so that they may finish as soon as possible what they have to do. What Tagore or others think or say does not matter very much after all as we do not depend on them for our work but on the Divine Will only. So many have said and thought all sorts of things (people outside) about and against us, that has never affected either us or our work in the least; it is of a very minor importance.

Of course you can take from the money in the bank the monthly allowance you speak of for the time that you are outside.

I hope you will throw off your “peacelessness” and be inwardly quite at ease and happy.