“Dedicated to Her, who in Her present embodiment as Mother Mirra, is known to us and revealed by Sri Aurobindo as the Mother.” [opening lines of the book]
After a brief introduction by Partho, a publisher, Dr Alok Pandey talks about his new book, published by Kali, a BluOne Ink imprint (https://www.facebook.com/bluoneink).
“A woman is not just a form and a figure though her form itself is significant of deep guarded secrets and the capacity to create marvels out of a seed state. The ancient seers saw in her the bridge between creation and the Creator and worshipped her thus. But she is not just a woman but Force, Shakti, Wisdom, Strength, Beauty, Love, Delight that is everywhere and in all beings. This book is not just an attempt to discover and evoke her through myths and legends of India but to unravel the mysteries of the ‘Eternal Feminine'”
About Savitri | B1C2-10 Condition of the World (p.18)