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At the Feet of The Mother

Sri Aurobindo’s Letters on “The Mother”


Do you not refer to the Mother (our Mother) in your book The Mother?


Is she not the “Individual” Divine Mother who has embodied “the power of these two vaster ways of her existence” — Transcendent and Universal?


Has she not descended here (amongst us) into the Darkness and Falsehood and Error and Death in her deep and great love for us?


CWSA 32: p. 31


In the same book (The Mother) you say “her hands are outstretched to strike and to succour”. [p. 19] What do you mean by “strike” here?

It expresses her general action in the world. She strikes at the Asuras, she strikes also at everything that has to be got rid of or destroyed, at the obstacles to the sadhana etc. I may say that the Mother never uses the Mahakali power in your case nor the Mahakali pressure.

CWSA 32: pp. 210-211, 5 June 1936


It is certain that one’s own effort is necessary, though one cannot do the sadhana by one’s own effort alone. The Mother’s Force is needed, but the sadhak must open himself to it, reject what opposes the Force, put his full sincerity, aspiration, will power into the sadhana. It is only when all is open and there is the full surrender that the Divine Power takes up the sadhana so entirely that personal effort is no longer necessary. But that cannot happen at an early stage—one must go on opening oneself, consecrating oneself, making the surrender till that later stage comes. This has been explained in the book The Mother.

CWSA 32: p. 220, 17 March 1937


In the chakra which is printed on the book The Mother, what colours are appropriate for the central dot and for the “four powers”? I am thinking of preparing a powder design with a little addition at the circumference.

Centre and 4 powers white. The 12 all of different colours, in three groups, (1) top group red passing through orange towards yellow, (2) next group yellow passing through green towards blue, (3) blue passing through violet towards red. If white is not convenient, the centre may be gold (powder).

CWSA 32: p. 597, 20 March 1934


In the chakra for the central circle you have asked me to use either white or gold — suppose I use gold at the centre, then should I use white at the strap around it? In that case the straps around the two bigger circles will have gold and the central strap alone will have white.

The central circle need not have a strap — simply a gold disc.

CWSA 32: pp. 597-598, 11 April 1934