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Sri Aurobindo

Collected Poems

CWSA.- Volume 2

Part Seven. Pondicherry, c. 1927 – 1947
Nonsense and “Surrealist” Verse

Surrealist Poem [2]

The Crossing of the Moro

My way is over the Moro river,

Amid projectiles and sad smiles.

Wind bottles in a ghastly jam

Explode before you can say damn.

But the jam is over and we have passed:

Alas, felicity can never last!

I see an aeroplane on high,

I hear it sob and sigh.

Fate happier has been yours, my lad,

For you are dead and I am mad.

Kiss not the corpse but shove it in.

Ah let the booby trap be.

There is a moan upon the moving sea.


This work was not included in SABCL, it was not compared with other editions.