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Sri Aurobindo

Collected Poems

CWSA.- Volume 2

Part Seven. Pondicherry
Sonnets from Manuscripts, c. 1934 – 1947

The Self’s Infinity

I have become what before Time I was.

A secret touch has quieted thought and sense:

All things by the agent Mind created pass

Into a void and mute magnificence.

My life is a silence grasped by timeless hands;

The world is drowned in an immortal gaze.

Naked my spirit from its vestures stands;

I am alone with my own self for space.

My heart is a centre of infinity,

My body a dot in the soul’s vast expanse.

All being’s huge abyss wakes under me,

Once screened in a gigantic Ignorance.

A momentless immensity pure and bare,

I stretch to an eternal everywhere.


Earlier edition of this work: Sri Aurobindo Birth Century Library: Set in 30 volumes.- Volume 5.- Collected Poems.- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Asram, 1972.- 625 p.