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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Trita Āptya

Sukta 4


प्र ते॑ यक्षि॒ प्र त॑ इयर्मि॒ मन्म॒ भुवो॒ यथा॒ वंद्यो॑ नो॒ हवे॑षु ।

धन्व॑न्निव प्र॒पा अ॑सि॒ त्वम॑ग्न इय॒क्षवे॑ पू॒रवे॑ प्रत्न राजन् ॥

prá te yakṣi prá te iyarmi mánma bhúvaḥ yáthā vándyaḥ naḥ háveṣu ǀ

dhánvan-iva pra-pā́ asi tvám agne iyakṣáve pūráve pratna rājan ǁ

To thee I sacrifice, to thee I send forth my thought so that thou mayst manifest thyself adorable at our call; thou art like a fountain in the desert to longing men, O ancient king, O Fire.


यं त्वा॒ जना॑सो अ॒भि सं॒चरं॑ति॒ गाव॑ उ॒ष्णमि॑व व्र॒जं य॑विष्ठ ।

दू॒तो दे॒वाना॑मसि॒ मर्त्या॑नामं॒तर्म॒हाँश्च॑रसि रोच॒नेन॑ ॥

yám tvā jánāsaḥ abhí sam-cáranti gā́vaḥ uṣṇám-iva vrajám yaviṣṭha ǀ

dūtáḥ devā́nām asi mártyānām antáḥ mahā́n carasi rocanéna ǁ

O ever-young flame, towards thee men move, like herds that go to a warm pen; thou art the messenger of gods and mortals, thou movest between them vast through the luminous world.


शिशुं॒ न त्वा॒ जेन्यं॑ व॒र्धयं॑ती मा॒ता बि॑भर्ति सचन॒स्यमा॑ना ।

धनो॒रधि॑ प्र॒वता॑ यासि॒ हर्यं॒जिगी॑षसे प॒शुरि॒वाव॑सृष्टः ॥

śíśum ná tvā jényam vardháyantī mātā́ bibharti sacanasyámānā ǀ

dhánoḥ ádhi pra-vátā yāsi háryan jígīṣase paśúḥ-iva áva-sṛṣṭaḥ ǁ

The mother bears thee like an infant child clinging cherishingly to thee, increasing thee to be a conqueror; headlong down over the dry land he goes rejoicing, he is fain to go like an animal let loose.


मू॒रा अ॑मूर॒ न व॒यं चि॑कित्वो महि॒त्वम॑ग्ने॒ त्वमं॒ग वि॑त्से ।

शये॑ व॒व्रिश्चर॑ति जि॒ह्वया॒दन्रे॑रि॒ह्यते॑ युव॒तिं वि॒श्पतिः॒ सन् ॥

mūrā́ḥ amūra ná vayám cikitvaḥ mahi-tvám agne tvám aṅgá vitse ǀ

śáye vavríḥ cárati jihváyā adán rerihyáte yuvatím viśpátiḥ sán ǁ

O thou who art conscious and free from ignorance, ignorant are we and we know not thy greatness, thou only knowest. Covert he lies, he ranges devouring with his tongue of flame, he licks the young earth and is the master of her creatures.


कूचि॑ज्जायते॒ सन॑यासु॒ नव्यो॒ वने॑ तस्थौ पलि॒तो धू॒मके॑तुः ।

अ॒स्ना॒तापो॑ वृष॒भो न प्र वे॑ति॒ सचे॑तसो॒ यं प्र॒णयं॑त॒ मर्ताः॑ ॥

kū́-cit jāyate sánayāsu návyaḥ váne tasthau palitáḥ dhūmá-ketuḥ ǀ

asnātā́ ā́paḥ vṛṣabháḥ ná prá veti sá-cetasaḥ yám pra-náyanta mártāḥ ǁ

Anywhere he is born new in eternal wombs; he stands in the forest hoary-old with smoke for his banner: a bull unbathed he journeys to the waters and mortals who are conscious lead him on his way.


त॒नू॒त्यजे॑व॒ तस्क॑रा वन॒र्गू र॑श॒नाभि॑र्द॒शभि॑र॒भ्य॑धीतां ।

इ॒यं ते॑ अग्ने॒ नव्य॑सी मनी॒षा यु॒क्ष्वा रथं॒ न शु॒चय॑द्भि॒रंगैः॑ ॥

tanūtyájā-iva táskarā vanargū́␣íti raśanā́bhiḥ daśá-bhiḥ abhí adhītām ǀ

iyám te agne návyasī manīṣā́ yukṣvá rátham ná śucáyat-bhiḥ áṅgaiḥ ǁ

Two robbers abandoning their bodies, rangers of the forest, have planted him in his place with ten cords. This is thy new thinking, O Fire, yoke thyself to it with thy illumining limbs like a chariot.


ब्रह्म॑ च ते जातवेदो॒ नम॑श्चे॒यं च॒ गीः सद॒मिद्वर्ध॑नी भूत् ।

रक्षा॑ णो अग्ने॒ तन॑यानि तो॒का रक्षो॒त न॑स्त॒न्वो॒३่ अप्र॑युच्छन् ॥

bráhma ca te jāta-vedaḥ námaḥ ca iyám ca gī́ḥ sádam ít várdhanī bhūt ǀ

rákṣa naḥ agne tánayāni tokā́ rákṣa utá naḥ tanváḥ ápra-yucchan ǁ

Thine is this wisdom-word, O knower of all things born, and this prostration, this utterance is thine; may it have ever the power to make thee grow. Guard all that are offspring of our begetting, guard undeviatingly our bodies.