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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharga Pragātha

Sukta 60


अग्न॒ आ या॑ह्य॒ग्निभि॒र्होता॑रं त्वा वृणीमहे ।

आ त्वाम॑नक्तु॒ प्रय॑ता ह॒विष्म॑ती॒ यजि॑ष्ठं ब॒र्हिरा॒सदे॑ ॥

ágne ā́ yāhi agní-bhiḥ hótāram tvā vṛṇīmahe ǀ

ā́ tvā́m anaktu prá-yatā havíṣmatī yájiṣṭham barhíḥ ā-sáde ǁ

Come, O Fire, with thy fires, we choose thee as the Priest of the call, may the ladles extended, full of the offering anoint thee, strongest for sacrifice when thou sittest on the sacrificial seat.


अच्छा॒ हि त्वा॑ सहसः सूनो अंगिरः॒ स्रुच॒श्चरं॑त्यध्व॒रे ।

ऊ॒र्जो नपा॑तं घृ॒तके॑शमीमहे॒ऽग्निं य॒ज्ञेषु॑ पू॒र्व्यं ॥

áccha hí tvā sahasaḥ sūno␣íti aṅgiraḥ srúcaḥ cáranti adhvaré ǀ

ūrjáḥ nápātam ghṛtá-keśam īmahe agním yajñéṣu pūrvyám ǁ

For, towards thee, O Son of force, O Angiras, the ladles move in the rite of the path; we seek the child of Energy with his hair of light, the supreme fire in the sacrifices.


अग्ने॑ क॒विर्वे॒धा अ॑सि॒ होता॑ पावक॒ यक्ष्यः॑ ।

मं॒द्रो यजि॑ष्ठो अध्व॒रेष्वीड्यो॒ विप्रे॑भिः शुक्र॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥

ágne kavíḥ vedhā́ḥ asi hótā pāvaka yákṣyaḥ ǀ

mandráḥ yájiṣṭhaḥ adhvaréṣu ī́ḍyaḥ víprebhiḥ śukra mánma-bhiḥ ǁ

O Fire, thou art the seer and the ordainer, the Priest of the call, the purifier to whom must be given sacrifice, rapturous, strong for sacrifice, one to be prayed in the pilgrim-rites with illumined thoughts, O brilliant Flame!


अद्रो॑घ॒मा व॑होश॒तो य॑विष्ठ्य दे॒वाँ अ॑जस्र वी॒तये॑ ।

अ॒भि प्रयां॑सि॒ सुधि॒ता व॑सो गहि॒ मंद॑स्व धी॒तिभि॑र्हि॒तः ॥

ádrogham ā́ vaha uśatáḥ yaviṣṭhya devā́n ajasra vītáye ǀ

abhí práyāṃsi sú-dhitā ā́ vaso␣íti gahi mándasva dhītí-bhiḥ hitáḥ ǁ

Bring to me who betray not, O youngest, O unceasing Flame, the gods that desire for the advent; come to our well-founded pleasant things, O shining One, rejoice established by our thinkings.


त्वमित्स॒प्रथा॑ अ॒स्यग्ने॑ त्रातर्ऋ॒तस्क॒विः ।

त्वां विप्रा॑सः समिधान दीदिव॒ आ वि॑वासंति वे॒धसः॑ ॥

tvám ít sa-práthāḥ asi ágne trātaḥ ṛtáḥ kavíḥ ǀ

tvā́m víprāsaḥ sam-idhāna dīdi-vaḥ ā́ vivāsanti vedhásaḥ ǁ

O Fire, O deliverer, thou art very wide, the true, the seer, thou who shinest out, O high-kindled Fire, thee the sages, the ordainers illumine.


शोचा॑ शोचिष्ठ दीदि॒हि वि॒शे मयो॒ रास्व॑ स्तो॒त्रे म॒हाँ अ॑सि ।

दे॒वानां॒ शर्म॒न्मम॑ संतु सू॒रयः॑ शत्रू॒षाहः॑ स्व॒ग्नयः॑ ॥

śóca śociṣṭha dīdihí viśé máyaḥ rā́sva stotré mahā́n asi ǀ

devā́nām śárman máma santu sūráyaḥ śatru-sáhaḥ su-agnáyaḥ ǁ

Flame out, O most luminous Flame, shine out for man, give to him who lauds thee the bliss, for thou art great; may my luminous seers abide in the peace of the gods, high in fire may they overcome the foe.


यथा॑ चिद्वृ॒द्धम॑त॒समग्ने॑ सं॒जूर्व॑सि॒ क्षमि॑ ।

ए॒वा द॑ह मित्रमहो॒ यो अ॑स्म॒ध्रुग्दु॒र्मन्मा॒ कश्च॒ वेन॑ति ॥

yáthā cit vṛddhám atasám ágne sam-jū́rvasi kṣámi ǀ

evá daha mitra-mahaḥ yáḥ asma-dhrúk duḥ-mánmā káḥ ca vénati ǁ

As, O Fire, thou consumest old dry wood on the earth so burn, O friendly Light, whosoever comes with evil mind, our hurter.


मा नो॒ मर्ता॑य रि॒पवे॑ रक्ष॒स्विने॒ माघशं॑साय रीरधः ।

अस्रे॑धद्भिस्त॒रणि॑भिर्यविष्ठ्य शि॒वेभिः॑ पाहि पा॒युभिः॑ ॥

mā́ naḥ mártāya ripáve rakṣasvíne mā́ aghá-śaṃsāya rīradhaḥ ǀ

ásredhat-bhiḥ taráṇi-bhiḥ yaviṣṭhya śivébhiḥ pāhi pāyú-bhiḥ ǁ

Deliver us not to the mortal foe, to the demoniac, to him who gives expression to evil; guard us with thy unfailing and benignant, guardian and rescuer fires, O ever-youthful Flame!


पा॒हि नो॑ अग्न॒ एक॑या पा॒ह्यु१่त द्वि॒तीय॑या ।

पा॒हि गी॒र्भिस्ति॒सृभि॑रूर्जां पते पा॒हि च॑त॒सृभि॑र्वसो ॥

pāhí naḥ agne ékayā pāhí utá dvitī́yayā ǀ

pāhí gīḥ-bhíḥ tisṛ́-bhiḥ ūrjām pate pāhí catasṛ́-bhiḥ vaso␣íti ǁ

Guard, O Fire, with the single word, guard with the second, guard with the words that are three, O master of Energies; O shining One, guard with the fourth.


पा॒हि विश्व॑स्माद्र॒क्षसो॒ अरा॑व्णः॒ प्र स्म॒ वाजे॑षु नोऽव ।

त्वामिद्धि नेदि॑ष्ठं दे॒वता॑तय आ॒पिं नक्षा॑महे वृ॒धे ॥

pāhí víśvasmāt rakṣásaḥ árāvṇaḥ prá sma vā́jeṣu naḥ ava ǀ

tvā́m ít hí nédiṣṭham devá-tātaye āpím nákṣāmahe vṛdhé ǁ

Guard us from every hostile demon, protect us in the plenitudes; for we come to thee as the closest of the gods and our ally for our increase.


आ नो॑ अग्ने वयो॒वृधं॑ र॒यिं पा॑वक॒ शंस्यं॑ ।

रास्वा॑ च न उपमाते पुरु॒स्पृहं॒ सुनी॑ती॒ स्वय॑शस्तरं ॥

ā́ naḥ agne vayaḥ-vṛ́dham rayím pāvaka śáṃsyam ǀ

rā́sva ca naḥ upa-māte puru-spṛ́ham sú-nītī sváyaśaḥ-taram ǁ

O purifying Fire, bring to us and give a wealth that increases our growth, the wealth that has to be expressed in us, O measurer of our formations, by thy right leading a wealth full of many longed-for things and very great in its self-glory, —


येन॒ वंसा॑म॒ पृत॑नासु॒ शर्ध॑त॒स्तरं॑तो अ॒र्य आ॒दिशः॑ ।

स त्वं नो॑ वर्ध॒ प्रय॑सा शचीवसो॒ जिन्वा॒ धियो॑ वसु॒विदः॑ ॥

yéna váṃsāma pṛ́tanāsu śárdhataḥ tárantaḥ aryáḥ ā-díśaḥ ǀ

sáḥ tvám naḥ vardha práyasā śacīvaso␣íti␣śacī-vaso jínva dhíyaḥ vasu-vídaḥ ǁ

by which we may conquer those who challenge us in our battles, breaking through the designs of the foe; so do thou increase us with thy delight, O luminous in might, speed on their way the thoughts that find the treasure.


शिशा॑नो वृष॒भो य॑था॒ग्निः शृंगे॒ दवि॑ध्वत् ।

ति॒ग्मा अ॑स्य॒ हन॑वो॒ न प्र॑ति॒धृषे॑ सु॒जंभः॒ सह॑सो य॒हुः ॥

śíśānaḥ vṛṣabháḥ yathā agníḥ śṛ́ṅge␣íti dávidhvat ǀ

tigmā́ḥ asya hánavaḥ ná prati-dhṛ́ṣe su-jámbhaḥ sáhasaḥ yahúḥ ǁ

Fire is like a bull that sharpens its horns and tosses its head, his flaming jaws are too bright and keen to gaze at; strong-tusked is the Son of force.


न॒हि ते॑ अग्ने वृषभ प्रति॒धृषे॒ जंभा॑सो॒ यद्वि॒तिष्ठ॑से ।

स त्वं नो॑ होतः॒ सुहु॑तं ह॒विष्कृ॑धि॒ वंस्वा॑ नो॒ वार्या॑ पु॒रु ॥

nahí te agne vṛṣabha prati-dhṛ́ṣe jámbhāsaḥ yát vi-tíṣṭhase ǀ

sáḥ tvám naḥ hotaríti sú-hutam havíḥ kṛdhi váṃsva naḥ vā́ryā purú ǁ

O Fire, O Bull, thy tusks of flame cannot be challenged by the gaze when thou rangest abroad; so do thou, O Priest of the call, make that our offering is well cast, conquer for us many desirable things.


शेषे॒ वने॑षु मा॒त्रोः सं त्वा॒ मर्ता॑स इंधते ।

अतं॑द्रो ह॒व्या व॑हसि हवि॒ष्कृत॒ आदिद्दे॒वेषु॑ राजसि ॥

śéṣe váneṣu mātróḥ sám tvā mártāsaḥ indhate ǀ

átandraḥ havyā́ vahasi haviḥ-kṛ́taḥ ā́t ít devéṣu rājasi ǁ

In the forest thou sleepest in the two mothers, mortals kindle thee into a blaze; then sleepless thou carriest the offerings of the giver of the oblation and now thou shinest in the gods.


स॒प्त होता॑र॒स्तमिदी॑ळते॒ त्वाग्ने॑ सु॒त्यज॒मह्र॑यं ।

भि॒नत्स्यद्रिं॒ तप॑सा॒ वि शो॒चिषा॒ प्राग्ने॑ तिष्ठ॒ जनाँ॒ अति॑ ॥

saptá hótāraḥ tám ít īḷate tvā ágne su-tyájam áhrayam ǀ

bhinátsí ádrim tápasā ví śocíṣā prá agne tiṣṭha jánān áti ǁ

Thee pray the seven priests of the call, thee the unhesitant, shooting well thy shafts; thou breakest asunder the hill with thy heat and thy light: O Fire, go forth beyond men.


अ॒ग्निम॑ग्निं वो॒ अध्रि॑गुं हु॒वेम॑ वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।

अ॒ग्निं हि॒तप्र॑यसः शश्व॒तीष्वा होता॑रं चर्षणी॒नां ॥

agním-agnim vaḥ ádhri-gum huvéma vṛktá-barhiṣaḥ ǀ

agním hitá-prayasaḥ śaśvatī́ṣu ā́ hótāram carṣaṇīnā́m ǁ

The Fire, the fire, let us call for you having placed the sacred grass and placed the gifts of our pleasure, on day after day, Fire of the unseizable ray, Priest of the call of seeing men.


केते॑न॒ शर्म॑न्त्सचते सुषा॒मण्यग्ने॒ तुभ्यं॑ चिकि॒त्वना॑ ।

इ॒ष॒ण्यया॑ नः पुरु॒रूप॒मा भ॑र॒ वाजं॒ नेदि॑ष्ठमू॒तये॑ ॥

kétena śárman sacate su-sāmáni ágne túbhyam cikitvánā ǀ

iṣaṇyáyā naḥ puru-rū́pam ā́ bhara vā́jam nédiṣṭham ūtáye ǁ

O Fire, to thee constant in the peace of a deep calm I come with the intuition that awakes to knowledge; by our impulsion bring to us for our protection wealth of many forms that is most close.


अग्ने॒ जरि॑तर्वि॒श्पति॑स्तेपा॒नो दे॑व र॒क्षसः॑ ।

अप्रो॑षिवान्गृ॒हप॑तिर्म॒हाँ अ॑सि दि॒वस्पा॒युर्दु॑रोण॒युः ॥

ágne járitaḥ viśpátiḥ tepānáḥ deva rakṣásaḥ ǀ

áproṣi-vān gṛhá-patiḥ mahā́n asi diváḥ pāyúḥ duroṇa-yúḥ ǁ

O Fire, O god, for thy adorer thou art the lord of creatures, thou art the master of his house who departs not from him, afflicting the demons; great art thou, the guardian of heaven who comes to his gated home.


मा नो॒ रक्ष॒ आ वे॑शीदाघृणीवसो॒ मा या॒तुर्या॑तु॒माव॑तां ।

प॒रो॒ग॒व्यू॒त्यनि॑रा॒मप॒ क्षुध॒मग्ने॒ सेध॑ रक्ष॒स्विनः॑ ॥

mā́ naḥ rákṣaḥ ā́ veśīt āghṛṇivaso␣ítyāghṛṇi-vaso mā́ yātúḥ yātu-mā́vatām ǀ

paraḥ-gavyūtí ánirām ápa kṣúdham ágne sédha rakṣasvínaḥ ǁ

O blazing light, let not the demon enter into us; let not the witchcraft of the goblin sorcerers take possession; O Fire, push calamity and hunger far beyond the pastures of our herds, ward the demon-possessed away from us.