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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Sobhari Kāṇva

Sukta 19


तं गू॑र्धया॒ स्व॑र्णरं दे॒वासो॑ दे॒वम॑र॒तिं द॑धन्विरे ।

दे॒व॒त्रा ह॒व्यमोहि॑रे ॥

tám gūrdhaya sváḥ-naram devā́saḥ devám aratím dadhanvire ǀ

deva-trā́ havyám ā́ ūhire ǁ

Affirm that godhead of the sun-world, the gods set the divine traveller to his race, they brought the offering to the world of the gods.


विभू॑तरातिं विप्र चि॒त्रशो॑चिषम॒ग्निमी॑ळिष्व यं॒तुरं॑ ।

अ॒स्य मेध॑स्य सो॒म्यस्य॑ सोभरे॒ प्रेम॑ध्व॒राय॒ पूर्व्यं॑ ॥

víbhūta-rātim vipra citrá-śociṣam agním īḷiṣva yantúram ǀ

asyá médhasya somyásya sobhare prá īm adhvarā́ya pū́rvyam ǁ

O illumined seer, pray the Fire opulent in his gifts, rich in his lustres; the guide of this Soma-sacrifice pray, O Sobhari, for the rite of the path, the Ancient One.


यजि॑ष्ठं त्वा ववृमहे दे॒वं दे॑व॒त्रा होता॑र॒मम॑र्त्यं ।

अ॒स्य य॒ज्ञस्य॑ सु॒क्रतुं॑ ॥

yájiṣṭham tvā vavṛmahe devám deva-trā́ hótāram ámartyam ǀ

asyá yajñásya su-krátum ǁ

We have chosen thee the mightiest for sacrifice, the divine in the divine, the immortal as the Priest of call of this sacrifice, the strong of will, —


ऊ॒र्जो नपा॑तं सु॒भगं॑ सु॒दीदि॑तिम॒ग्निं श्रेष्ठ॑शोचिषं ।

स नो॑ मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ सो अ॒पामा सु॒म्नं य॑क्षते दि॒वि ॥

ūrjáḥ nápātam su-bhágam su-dī́ditim agním śréṣṭha-śociṣam ǀ

sáḥ naḥ mitrásya váruṇasya sáḥ apā́m ā́ sumnám yakṣate diví ǁ

the Son of Energy, the Fire, happy and radiant and most glorious in his light; may he win for us by sacrifice the bliss in heaven of Mitra and Varuna and the bliss of the waters.


यः स॒मिधा॒ य आहु॑ती॒ यो वेदे॑न द॒दाश॒ मर्तो॑ अ॒ग्नये॑ ।

यो नम॑सा स्वध्व॒रः ॥

yáḥ sam-ídhā yáḥ ā́-hutī yáḥ védena dadā́śa mártaḥ agnáye ǀ

yáḥ námasā su-adhvaráḥ ǁ

The mortal who with the fuel and the oblation, with knowledge and with surrender has given to the Fire, who is perfect in the pilgrim-rite, —


तस्येदर्वं॑तो रंहयंत आ॒शव॒स्तस्य॑ द्यु॒म्नित॑मं॒ यशः॑ ।

न तमंहो॑ दे॒वकृ॑तं॒ कुत॑श्च॒न न मर्त्य॑कृतं नशत् ॥

tásya ít árvantaḥ raṃhayante āśávaḥ tásya dyumní-tamam yáśaḥ ǀ

ná tám áṃhaḥ devá-kṛtam kútaḥ caná ná mártya-kṛtam naśat ǁ

swift gallop his war-horses, most luminous is his glory, neither calamity wrought by the gods nor evil wrought of men can come to him from any part.


स्व॒ग्नयो॑ वो अ॒ग्निभिः॒ स्याम॑ सूनो सहस ऊर्जां पते ।

सु॒वीर॒स्त्वम॑स्म॒युः ॥

su-agnáyaḥ vaḥ agní-bhiḥ syā́ma sūno␣íti sahasaḥ ūrjām pate ǀ

su-vī́raḥ tvám asma-yúḥ ǁ

High of fire may we be with your fires, O son of force, O lord of Energies! for thou hast the hero-strength and thy desire is towards us.


प्र॒शंस॑मानो॒ अति॑थि॒र्न मि॒त्रियो॒ऽग्नी रथो॒ न वेद्यः॑ ।

त्वे क्षेमा॑सो॒ अपि॑ संति सा॒धव॒स्त्वं राजा॑ रयी॒णां ॥

pra-śáṃsamānaḥ átithiḥ ná mitríyaḥ agníḥ ráthaḥ ná védyaḥ ǀ

tvé␣íti kṣémāsaḥ ápi santi sādhávaḥ tvám rā́jā rayīṇā́m ǁ

As our friendly guest finding our expression for us, Fire must be known, and as our chariot; in thee are all-accomplishing foundations of ease, thou art the king of the Treasures.


सो अ॒द्धा दा॒श्व॑ध्व॒रोऽग्ने॒ मर्तः॑ सुभग॒ स प्र॒शंस्यः॑ ।

स धी॒भिर॑स्तु॒ सनि॑ता ॥

sáḥ addhā́ dāśú-adhvaraḥ ágne mártaḥ su-bhaga sáḥ pra-śáṃsyaḥ ǀ

sáḥ dhībhíḥ astu sánitā ǁ

That mortal is sure in the giving of his pilgrim-sacrifice, O happy Fire, he is one to be proclaimed, may he be a conqueror by his thoughts, —


यस्य॒ त्वमू॒र्ध्वो अ॑ध्व॒राय॒ तिष्ठ॑सि क्ष॒यद्वी॑रः॒ स सा॑धते ।

सो अर्व॑द्भिः॒ सनि॑ता॒ स वि॑प॒न्युभिः॒ स शूरैः॒ सनि॑ता कृ॒तं ॥

yásya tvám ūrdhváḥ adhvarā́ya tíṣṭhasi kṣayát-vīraḥ sáḥ sādhate ǀ

sáḥ árvat-bhiḥ sánitā sáḥ vipanyú-bhiḥ sáḥ śū́raiḥ sánitā kṛtám ǁ

one for whom thou standest high exalted over his pilgrim-sacrifice, he is a master and hero and accomplishes, — he conquers by the war-horses, by the luminous seers, by the heroes, wins his work achieved.


यस्या॒ग्निर्वपु॑र्गृ॒हे स्तोमं॒ चनो॒ दधी॑त वि॒श्ववा॑र्यः ।

ह॒व्या वा॒ वेवि॑ष॒द्विषः॑ ॥

yásya agníḥ vápuḥ gṛhé stómam cánaḥ dádhīta viśvá-vāryaḥ ǀ

havyā́ vā véviṣat víṣaḥ ǁ

He in whose house Fire, in whom are all desirable things, maintains his body and his affirming laud and his delight and the offerings, he occupies the field of his occupancy.


विप्र॑स्य वा स्तुव॒तः स॑हसो यहो म॒क्षूत॑मस्य रा॒तिषु॑ ।

अ॒वोदे॑वमु॒परि॑मर्त्यं कृधि॒ वसो॑ विवि॒दुषो॒ वचः॑ ॥

víprasya vā stuvatáḥ sahasaḥ yaho␣íti makṣú-tamasya rātíṣu ǀ

aváḥ-devam upári-martyam kṛdhi váso␣íti vividúṣaḥ vácaḥ ǁ

O son of force, for the illumined seer who lauds thee and is most swift in his givings, create for that seeker of knowledge, O Shining One1, the word in which the mortal is above the godhead below.


यो अ॒ग्निं ह॒व्यदा॑तिभि॒र्नमो॑भिर्वा सु॒दक्ष॑मा॒विवा॑सति ।

गि॒रा वा॑जि॒रशो॑चिषं ॥

yáḥ agním havyádāti-bhiḥ námaḥ-bhiḥ vā su-dákṣam ā-vívāsati ǀ

girā́ vā ajirá-śociṣam ǁ

He who by his gifts of the oblations or by prostrations of surrender, or by his word illumines the Fire, who brings his right judgment, and the swift action of his light, —


स॒मिधा॒ यो निशि॑ती॒ दाश॒ददि॑तिं॒ धाम॑भिरस्य॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

विश्वेत्स धी॒भिः सु॒भगो॒ जनाँ॒ अति॑ द्यु॒म्नैरु॒द्न इ॑व तारिषत् ॥

sam-ídhā yáḥ ní-śitī dā́śat áditim dhā́ma-bhiḥ asya mártyaḥ ǀ

víśvā ít sáḥ dhībhíḥ su-bhágaḥ jánān áti dyumnáiḥ udnáḥ-iva tāriṣat ǁ

he who with his stimulation by the fuel serves with the seats of the session of the Fire, the Boundless, that happy mortal exceeding men by his thoughts and by his lights passes beyond all things as one who crosses over waters.


तद॑ग्ने द्यु॒म्नमा भ॑र॒ यत्सा॒सह॒त्सद॑ने॒ कं चि॑द॒त्रिणं॑ ।

म॒न्युं जन॑स्य दू॒ढ्यः॑ ॥

tát agne dyumnám ā́ bhara yát sasáhat sádane kám cit atríṇam ǀ

manyúm jánasya duḥ-dhyáḥ ǁ

Bring, O Fire, that light which overcomes in the house whatever devourer or wrath of any being with evil thoughts.


येन॒ चष्टे॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा येन॒ नास॑त्या॒ भगः॑ ।

व॒यं तत्ते॒ शव॑सा गातु॒वित्त॑मा॒ इंद्र॑त्वोता विधेमहि ॥

yéna cáṣṭe váruṇaḥ mitráḥ aryamā́ yéna nā́satyā bhágaḥ ǀ

vayám tát te śávasā gātuvít-tamāḥ índratvā-ūtāḥ vidhemahi ǁ

The light by which Mitra sees and Varuna and Aryaman, by which lords of the journey and Bhaga, that light may we worship, we made by thy force perfect knowers of the path guarded by the lordship of the Puissant.


ते घेद॑ग्ने स्वा॒ध्यो॒३่ ये त्वा॑ विप्र निदधि॒रे नृ॒चक्ष॑सं ।

विप्रा॑सो देव सु॒क्रतुं॑ ॥

té gha ít agne su-ādhyáḥ yé tvā vipra ni-dadhiré nṛ-cákṣasam ǀ

víprāsaḥ deva su-krátum ǁ

O Fire, those are perfect in their thought who, themselves illumined, have set thee within them, O illumined seer, thee, O godhead, divine in vision and strong in will.


त इद्वेदिं॑ सुभग॒ त आहु॑तिं॒ ते सोतुं॑ चक्रिरे दि॒वि ।

त इद्वाजे॑भिर्जिग्युर्म॒हद्धनं॒ ये त्वे कामं॑ न्येरि॒रे ॥

té ít védim su-bhaga té ā́-hutim té sótum cakrire diví ǀ

té ít vā́jebhiḥ jigyuḥ mahát dhánam yé tvé␣íti kā́mam ni-eriré ǁ

They have made their altar and their offering, O happy Fire, and their libation of the wine in heaven, they have conquered by their plenitudes a mighty wealth who have cast into thee their desire.


भ॒द्रो नो॑ अ॒ग्निराहु॑तो भ॒द्रा रा॒तिः सु॑भग भ॒द्रो अ॑ध्व॒रः ।

भ॒द्रा उ॒त प्रश॑स्तयः ॥

bhadráḥ naḥ agníḥ ā́-hutaḥ bhadrā́ rātíḥ su-bhaga bhadráḥ adhvaráḥ ǀ

bhadrā́ḥ utá prá-śastayaḥ ǁ

O felicitous god, happy to us art thou fed with the offerings, happy thy giving, happy the pilgrim-sacrifice, happy our utterances.


भ॒द्रं मनः॑ कृणुष्व वृत्र॒तूर्ये॒ येना॑ स॒मत्सु॑ सा॒सहः॑ ।

अव॑ स्थि॒रा त॑नुहि॒ भूरि॒ शर्ध॑तां व॒नेमा॑ ते अ॒भिष्टि॑भिः ॥

bhadrám mánaḥ kṛṇuṣva vṛtra-tū́rye yéna samát-su sasáhaḥ ǀ

áva sthirā́ tanuhi bhū́ri śárdhatām vanéma te abhíṣṭi-bhiḥ ǁ

Create for us a happy mind in the piercing of the Coverers by which thou mayst overcome in the battles; lay prostrate many firm positions of those who challenge us, may we conquer them by thy attacks.


ईळे॑ गि॒रा मनु॑र्हितं॒ यं दे॒वा दू॒तम॑र॒तिं न्ये॑रि॒रे ।

यजि॑ष्ठं हव्य॒वाह॑नं ॥

ī́ḷe girā́ mánuḥ-hitam yám devā́ḥ dūtám aratím ni-eriré ǀ

yájiṣṭham havya-vā́hanam ǁ

I pray with the word the Fire set in man whom the god sent in as the messenger and traveller, the carrier of offerings, strong to sacrifice.


ति॒ग्मजं॑भाय॒ तरु॑णाय॒ राज॑ते॒ प्रयो॑ गायस्य॒ग्नये॑ ।

यः पिं॒शते॑ सू॒नृता॑भिः सु॒वीर्य॑म॒ग्निर्घृ॒तेभि॒राहु॑तः ॥

tigmá-jambhāya táruṇāya rā́jate práyaḥ gāyasi agnáye ǀ

yáḥ piṃśáte sūnṛ́tābhiḥ su-vī́ryam agníḥ ghṛtébhiḥ ā́-hutaḥ ǁ

To the ever-young Fire shining with his sharp tusks of flame, thou singest delight, Fire who fed with the offerings of light forms by true words a great strength.


यदी॑ घृ॒तेभि॒राहु॑तो॒ वाशी॑म॒ग्निर्भर॑त॒ उच्चाव॑ च ।

असु॑र इव नि॒र्णिजं॑ ॥

yádi ghṛtébhiḥ ā́-hutaḥ vā́śīm agníḥ bhárate út ca áva ca ǀ

ásuraḥ-iva niḥ-níjam ǁ

When he is fed with the offerings of light the Fire like one full of might, works his blade upwards and downwards and carves for himself a shape.


यो ह॒व्यान्यैर॑यता॒ मनु॑र्हितो दे॒व आ॒सा सु॑गं॒धिना॑ ।

विवा॑सते॒ वार्या॑णि स्वध्व॒रो होता॑ दे॒वो अम॑र्त्यः ॥

yáḥ havyā́ni áirayata mánuḥ-hitaḥ deváḥ āsā́ su-gandhínā ǀ

vívāsate vā́ryāṇi su-adhvaráḥ hótā deváḥ ámartyaḥ ǁ

The godhead set in man who speeds the offerings in its fragrant mouth, perfect in the pilgrim-sacrifice illumines all desirable things, the divine and immortal Priest of the call.


यद॑ग्ने॒ मर्त्य॒स्त्वं स्याम॒हं मि॑त्रमहो॒ अम॑र्त्यः ।

सह॑सः सूनवाहुत ॥

yát agne mártyaḥ tvám syā́m ahám mitra-mahaḥ ámartyaḥ ǀ

sáhasaḥ sūno␣íti ā-huta ǁ

O Fire, fed with the offerings, O son of force, O friendly light, if thou wert the mortal and I the immortal, —


न त्वा॑ रासीया॒भिश॑स्तये वसो॒ न पा॑प॒त्वाय॑ संत्य ।

न मे॑ स्तो॒ताम॑ती॒वा न दुर्हि॑तः॒ स्याद॑ग्ने॒ न पा॒पया॑ ॥

ná tvā rāsīya abhí-śastaye vaso␣íti ná pāpa-tvā́ya santya ǀ

ná me stotā́ amati-vā́ ná dúḥ-hitaḥ syā́t agne ná pāpáyā ǁ

I would not give thee over to the Assailant or to sinfulness, O benignant, O shining one; he who lauded me would not be one without understanding or miserable nor one plagued by guilt, O Fire.


पि॒तुर्न पु॒त्रः सुभृ॑तो दुरो॒ण आ दे॒वाँ ए॑तु॒ प्र णो॑ ह॒विः ॥

pitúḥ ná putráḥ sú-bhṛtaḥ duroṇé ā́ devā́n etu prá naḥ havíḥ ǁ

He is like a son well nourished in the house of his father; may our offerings reach the gods.


तवा॒हम॑ग्न ऊ॒तिभि॒र्नेदि॑ष्ठाभिः सचेय॒ जोष॒मा व॑सो ।

सदा॑ दे॒वस्य॒ मर्त्यः॑ ॥

táva ahám agne ūtí-bhiḥ nédiṣṭhābhiḥ saceya jóṣam ā́ vaso␣íti ǀ

sádā devásya mártyaḥ ǁ

O Fire, O shining one, by thy closest guardings may I, the mortal, be ever companioned by the favour of the god.


तव॒ क्रत्वा॑ सनेयं॒ तव॑ रा॒तिभि॒रग्ने॒ तव॒ प्रश॑स्तिभिः ।

त्वामिदा॑हुः॒ प्रम॑तिं वसो॒ ममाग्ने॒ हर्ष॑स्व॒ दात॑वे ॥

táva krátvā saneyam táva rātí-bhiḥ ágne táva práśasti-bhiḥ ǀ

tvā́m ít āhuḥ prá-matim vaso␣íti máma agne hárṣasva dā́tave ǁ

By thy will may I conquer, O Fire, by thy gifts, by thy revealing utterances; for of thee they speak as the guiding Thought in me. O Fire, have joy for the giving.


प्र सो अ॑ग्ने॒ तवो॒तिभिः॑ सु॒वीरा॑भिस्तिरते॒ वाज॑भर्मभिः ।

यस्य॒ त्वं स॒ख्यमा॒वरः॑ ॥

prá sáḥ agne táva ūtí-bhiḥ su-vī́rābhiḥ tirate vā́jabharma-bhiḥ ǀ

yásya tvám sakhyám ā-váraḥ ǁ

By thy guardings in which is the strength of the heroes and the bringing of the plenitudes, he drives forward on his way with whom thou hast chosen friendship, O shining one.


तव॑ द्र॒प्सो नील॑वान्वा॒श ऋ॒त्विय॒ इंधा॑नः सिष्ण॒वा द॑दे ।

त्वं म॑ही॒नामु॒षसा॑मसि प्रि॒यः क्ष॒पो वस्तु॑षु राजसि ॥

táva drapsáḥ nī́la-vān vāśáḥ ṛtvíyaḥ índhānaḥ siṣṇo␣íti ā́ dade ǀ

tvám mahīnā́m uṣásām asi priyáḥ kṣapáḥ vástuṣu rājasi ǁ

....2 the blue stream of thee with its cry is faithful to the law of its Truth, even as it is kindled it takes what is cast in it; thou art beloved of the great Dawns and thou shinest in the dwelling places of the night.


तमाग॑न्म॒ सोभ॑रयः स॒हस्र॑मुष्कं स्वभि॒ष्टिमव॑से ।

स॒म्राजं॒ त्रास॑दस्यवं ॥

tám ā́ aganma sóbharayaḥ sahásra-muṣkam su-abhiṣṭím ávase ǀ

sam-rā́jam trā́sadasyavam ǁ

We the sons of Sobhari have come to the Fire with its thousandfold mass of flame, strong in its approach for protection, imperial, the Fire of the Terror of the Destroyer3.


यस्य॑ ते अग्ने अ॒न्ये अ॒ग्नय॑ उप॒क्षितो॑ व॒या इ॑व ।

विपो॒ न द्यु॒म्ना नि यु॑वे॒ जना॑नां॒ तव॑ क्ष॒त्राणि॑ व॒र्धय॑न् ॥

yásya te agne anyé agnáyaḥ upa-kṣítaḥ vayā́ḥ-iva ǀ

vípaḥ ná dyumnā́ ní yuve jánānām táva kṣatrā́ṇi vardháyan ǁ

O Fire, other fires dwell dependent on thee as on a tree its branches; I annex to me the illuminations of men and their lights, increasing so thy warrior forces.


यमा॑दित्यासो अद्रुहः पा॒रं नय॑थ॒ मर्त्यं॑ ।

म॒घोनां॒ विश्वे॑षां सुदानवः ॥

yám ādityāsaḥ adruhaḥ pārám náyatha mártyam ǀ

maghónām víśveṣām su-dānavaḥ ǁ

O sons of the boundless mother, you who betray not, great givers, the mortal whom out of all possessors of riches you lead to the other shore, —


यू॒यं रा॑जानः॒ कं चि॑च्चर्षणीसहः॒ क्षयं॑तं॒ मानु॑षाँ॒ अनु॑ ।

व॒यं ते वो॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्रार्य॑म॒न्त्स्यामेदृ॒तस्य॑ र॒थ्यः॑ ॥

yūyám rājānaḥ kám cit carṣaṇi-sahaḥ kṣáyantam mā́nuṣān ánu ǀ

vayám té vaḥ váruṇa mítra áryaman syā́ma ít ṛtásya rathyáḥ ǁ

for you, the kings, who have power over seeing men, choose one or another to have mastery in the human ways, — such may we be, O Varuna, O Mitra, O Aryaman, charioteers, indeed, of the Truth.


अदा॑न्मे पौरुकु॒त्स्यः पं॑चा॒शतं॑ त्र॒सद॑स्युर्व॒धूनां॑ ।

मंहि॑ष्ठो अ॒र्यः सत्प॑तिः ॥

ádāt me pauru-kutsyáḥ pañcāśátam trasádasyuḥ vadhū́nām ǀ

máṃhiṣṭhaḥ aryáḥ sát-patiḥ ǁ

The Terror of the Destroyers, son of the master of wide vision, has given me the brides five hundred, he is a bounteous giver, the noble, a lord of beings.


उ॒त मे॑ प्र॒यियो॑र्व॒यियोः॑ सु॒वास्त्वा॒ अधि॒ तुग्व॑नि ।

ति॒सॄ॒णां स॑प्तती॒नां श्या॒वः प्र॑णे॒ता भु॑व॒द्वसु॒र्दिया॑नां॒ पतिः॑ ॥

utá me prayíyoḥ vayíyoḥ su-vā́stvāḥ ádhi túgvani ǀ

tisṝṇā́m saptatīnā́m śyāváḥ pra-netā́ bhuvat vásuḥ díyānām pátiḥ ǁ

And so, for me at the ford of the wide-flowing and forward streaming river of the happy dwelling places4, came the bay horse, leader of the three seventies. May he become an opulent master of the things that are to be given.


1 Or, O lord of the Riches,


2 Siṣṇo not translated.


3 Or, Fire of Trasadasyu.


4 Or, the river Suvastu,
