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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 8


पृ॒क्षस्य॒ वृष्णो॑ अरु॒षस्य॒ नू सहः॒ प्र नु वो॑चं वि॒दथा॑ जा॒तवे॑दसः ।

वै॒श्वा॒न॒राय॑ म॒तिर्नव्य॑सी॒ शुचिः॒ सोम॑ इव पवते॒ चारु॑र॒ग्नये॑ ॥

pṛkṣásya vṛ́ṣṇaḥ aruṣásya nú sáhaḥ prá nú vocam vidáthā jātá-vedasaḥ ǀ

vaiśvānarā́ya matíḥ návyasī śúciḥ sómaḥ-iva pavate cā́ruḥ agnáye ǁ

Now have I spoken aloud the force of the brilliant Male who fills the world, the discoveries of knowledge of the god who knows all things that are. A new and pure and beautiful thought is streaming like sacramental wine to Fire, the universal Godhead.


स जाय॑मानः पर॒मे व्यो॑मनि व्र॒तान्य॒ग्निर्व्र॑त॒पा अ॑रक्षत ।

व्यं१่तरि॑क्षममिमीत सु॒क्रतु॑र्वैश्वान॒रो म॑हि॒ना नाक॑मस्पृशत् ॥

sáḥ jā́yamānaḥ paramé ví-omani vratā́ni agníḥ vrata-pā́ḥ arakṣata ǀ

ví antárikṣam amimīta su-krátuḥ vaiśvānaráḥ mahinā́ nā́kam aspṛśat ǁ

Fire is the guardian of the laws of all workings and he kept safe the laws of his action and motion even in the moment of his birth in the supreme ether. The Universal mighty of will measured into shape the middle world and touched heaven with his greatness.


व्य॑स्तभ्ना॒द्रोद॑सी मि॒त्रो अद्भु॑तोऽ۟त॒र्वाव॑दकृणो॒ज्ज्योति॑षा॒ तमः॑ ।

वि चर्म॑णीव धि॒षणे॑ अवर्तयद्वैश्वान॒रो विश्व॑मधत्त॒ वृष्ण्यं॑ ॥

ví astabhnāt ródasī␣íti mitráḥ ádbhutaḥ antaḥ-vā́vat akṛṇot jyótiṣā támaḥ ǀ

ví cármaṇī␣ivéti␣cármaṇī-iva dhiṣáṇe␣íti avartayat vaiśvānaráḥ víśvam adhatta vṛ́ṣṇyam ǁ

The Wonderful, the Friend propped up earth and heaven and made the darkness a disappearing thing by the Light. He rolled out the two minds like skins; the Universal assumed every masculine might.


अ॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ महि॒षा अ॑गृभ्णत॒ विशो॒ राजा॑न॒मुप॑ तस्थुर्ऋ॒ग्मियं॑ ।

आ दू॒तो अ॒ग्निम॑भरद्वि॒वस्व॑तो वैश्वान॒रं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑ परा॒वतः॑ ॥

apā́m upá-sthe mahiṣā́ḥ agṛbhṇata víśaḥ rā́jānam úpa tasthuḥ ṛgmíyam ǀ

ā́ dūtáḥ agním abharat vivásvataḥ vaiśvānarám mātaríśvā parā-vátaḥ ǁ

The Great Ones seized him in the lap of the waters and the Peoples came to the King with whom is the illumining Word. Messenger of the luminous Sun, Life that expands in the Mother brought Fire the universal Godhead from the supreme Beyond.


यु॒गेयु॑गे विद॒थ्यं॑ गृ॒णद्भ्योऽग्ने॑ र॒यिं य॒शसं॑ धेहि॒ नव्य॑सीं ।

प॒व्येव॑ राजन्न॒घशं॑समजर नी॒चा नि वृ॑श्च व॒निनं॒ न तेज॑सा ॥

yugé-yuge vidathyám gṛṇát-bhyaḥ ágne rayím yaśásam dhehi návyasīm ǀ

pavyā́-iva rājan aghá-śaṃsam ajara nīcā́ ní vṛśca vanínam ná téjasā ǁ

Found for those who from age to age speak the word that is new, the word that is a discovery of knowledge, O Fire, their glorious treasure; but cut him in twain who is a voice of evil, cast him low by thy force of light like a tree with the thunderbolt, imperishable1 king.


अ॒स्माक॑मग्ने म॒घव॑त्सु धार॒याना॑मि क्ष॒त्रम॒जरं॑ सु॒वीर्यं॑ ।

व॒यं ज॑येम श॒तिनं॑ सह॒स्रिणं॒ वैश्वा॑नर॒ वाज॑मग्ने॒ तवो॒तिभिः॑ ॥

asmā́kam agne maghávat-su dhāraya ánāmi kṣatrám ajáram su-vī́ryam ǀ

vayám jayema śatínam sahasríṇam váiśvānara vā́jam agne táva ūtí-bhiḥ ǁ

O Fire, uphold in our masters of the treasure their indestructible2 hero-force and unbending might of battle. O universal Fire, may we by thy safe keepings conquer the plenitude of the hundreds and the plenitude of the thousands.


अद॑ब्धेभि॒स्तव॑ गो॒पाभि॑रिष्टे॒ऽस्माकं॑ पाहि त्रिषधस्थ सू॒रीन् ।

रक्षा॑ च नो द॒दुषां॒ शर्धो॑ अग्ने॒ वैश्वा॑नर॒ प्र च॑ तारीः॒ स्तवा॑नः ॥

ádabdhebhiḥ táva gopā́bhiḥ iṣṭe asmā́kam pāhi tri-sadhastha sūrī́n ǀ

rákṣa ca naḥ dadúṣām śárdhaḥ agne váiśvānara prá ca tārīḥ stávānaḥ ǁ

O our impeller3, holder of the triple session, shield our luminous seers with thy indomitable guardian fires. Keep safe, O Fire, the army of those who have given, O Universal, hearing our hymn to thee deliver to its forward march.


1 Or, ageless


2 Or, imaging


3 Or, O doer of sacrifice,
