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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 2


यो मर्त्ये॑ष्व॒मृत॑ ऋ॒तावा॑ दे॒वो दे॒वेष्व॑र॒तिर्नि॒धायि॑ ।

होता॒ यजि॑ष्ठो म॒ह्ना शु॒चध्यै॑ ह॒व्यैर॒ग्निर्मनु॑ष ईर॒यध्यै॑ ॥

yáḥ mártyeṣu amṛ́taḥ ṛtá-vā deváḥ devéṣu aratíḥ ni-dhā́yi ǀ

hótā yájiṣṭhaḥ mahnā́ śucádhyai havyáiḥ agníḥ mánuṣaḥ īrayádhyai ǁ

He who is immortal in mortals and with him is the Truth, who is the God in the gods, the Traveller1, has been set within as the Priest of the call, most strong for sacrifice, to blaze out with the might of his flame, to give men speed on the way by the power of their offerings.


इ॒ह त्वं सू॑नो सहसो नो अ॒द्य जा॒तो जा॒ताँ उ॒भयाँ॑ अं॒तर॑ग्ने ।

दू॒त ई॑यसे युयुजा॒न ऋ॑ष्व ऋजुमु॒ष्कान्वृष॑णः शु॒क्रांश्च॑ ॥

ihá tvám sūno␣íti sahasaḥ naḥ adyá jātáḥ jātā́n ubháyān antáḥ agne ǀ

dūtáḥ īyase yuyujānáḥ ṛṣva ṛju-muṣkā́n vṛ́ṣaṇaḥ śukrā́n ca ǁ

O Son of Force, here today art thou born for us and movest as a messenger between those born of both the Births, yoking, O sublime Flame, thy males straight and massive and bright in lustre.


अत्या॑ वृध॒स्नू रोहि॑ता घृ॒तस्नू॑ ऋ॒तस्य॑ मन्ये॒ मन॑सा॒ जवि॑ष्ठा ।

अं॒तरी॑यसे अरु॒षा यु॑जा॒नो यु॒ष्मांश्च॑ दे॒वान्विश॒ आ च॒ मर्ता॑न् ॥

átyā vṛdhasnū́␣íti␣vṛdha-snū́ róhitā ghṛtásnū␣íti␣ghṛtá-snū ṛtásya manye mánasā jáviṣṭhā ǀ

antáḥ īyase aruṣā́ yujānáḥ yuṣmā́n ca devā́n víśaḥ ā́ ca mártān ǁ

I hold in thought with my mind thy two red gallopers of the Truth, swiftest, raining increase, raining light; yoking the ruddy-shining pair thou movest between you Gods and the mortal peoples.


अ॒र्य॒मणं॒ वरु॑णं मि॒त्रमे॑षा॒मिंद्रा॒विष्णू॑ म॒रुतो॑ अ॒श्विनो॒त ।

स्वश्वो॑ अग्ने सु॒रथः॑ सु॒राधा॒ एदु॑ वह सुह॒विषे॒ जना॑य ॥

aryamáṇam váruṇam mitrám eṣām índrāvíṣṇū␣íti marútaḥ aśvínā utá ǀ

su-áśvaḥ agne su-ráthaḥ su-rā́dhāḥ ā́ ít ūṃ␣íti vaha su-havíṣe jánāya ǁ

Aryaman for them and Mitra and Varuna, Indra, Vishnu and the Maruts and the Ashwins do thou well-horsed, well-charioted, great in the joy of achievement, bring now, O Fire, for the giver of good offerings.


गोमाँ॑ अ॒ग्नेऽवि॑माँ अ॒श्वी य॒ज्ञो नृ॒वत्स॑खा॒ सद॒मिद॑प्रमृ॒ष्यः ।

इळा॑वाँ ए॒षो अ॑सुर प्र॒जावां॑दी॒र्घो र॒यिः पृ॑थुबु॒ध्नः स॒भावा॑न् ॥

gó-mān agne ávi-mān aśvī́ yajñáḥ nṛvát-sakhā sádam ít apra-mṛṣyáḥ ǀ

íḷā-vān eṣáḥ asura prajā́-vān dīrgháḥ rayíḥ pṛthu-budhnáḥ sabhā́-vān ǁ

O Fire, ever inviolable is this sacrifice and with it is the Cow, the Sheep and the Horse, it is like a human friend2, and with it, O mighty Lord, are the word and the offspring; it is a long felicity of riches with a wide foundation, and with it is the hall.


यस्त॑ इ॒ध्मं ज॒भर॑त्सिष्विदा॒नो मू॒र्धानं॑ वा त॒तप॑ते त्वा॒या ।

भुव॒स्तस्य॒ स्वत॑वाँः पा॒युर॑ग्ने॒ विश्व॑स्मात्सीमघाय॒त उ॑रुष्य ॥

yáḥ te idhmám jabhárat sisvidānáḥ mūrdhā́nam vā tatápate tvā-yā́ ǀ

bhúvaḥ tásya svá-tavān pāyúḥ agne víśvasmāt sīm agha-yatáḥ uruṣya ǁ

To him who brings to thee thy fuel with the sweat of his labour and heats his head with thee, be a protector in thy self-strength, O Fire, and guard him from all around that would do him evil.


यस्ते॒ भरा॒दन्नि॑यते चि॒दन्नं॑ नि॒शिष॑न्मं॒द्रमति॑थिमु॒दीर॑त् ।

आ दे॑व॒युरि॒नध॑ते दुरो॒णे तस्मि॑न्र॒यिर्ध्रु॒वो अ॑स्तु॒ दास्वा॑न् ॥

yáḥ te bhárāt ánni-yate cit ánnam ni-śíṣat mandrám átithim ut-ī́rat ǀ

ā́ deva-yúḥ inádhate duroṇé tásmin rayíḥ dhruváḥ astu dā́svān ǁ

He who when thou desirest thy food brings thy food to thee, who whets thy flame and sends upwards the rapturous guest, he who as seeker of the godhead kindles thee in his gated house, in him may there be the abiding and bounteous riches.


यस्त्वा॑ दो॒षा य उ॒षसि॑ प्र॒शंसा॑त्प्रि॒यं वा॑ त्वा कृ॒णव॑ते ह॒विष्मा॑न् ।

अश्वो॒ न स्वे दम॒ आ हे॒म्यावां॒तमंह॑सः पीपरो दा॒श्वांसं॑ ॥

yáḥ tvā doṣā́ yáḥ uṣási pra-śáṃsāt priyám vā tvā kṛṇávate havíṣmān ǀ

áśvaḥ ná své dáme ā́ hemyā́-vān tám áṃhasaḥ pīparaḥ dāśvā́ṃsam ǁ

He who in the dusk, he who in the dawn would give expression to thee, or bringing his offering makes thee a beloved friend, as the Horse with golden trappings in his own home mayst thou carry that giver beyond the evil.


यस्तुभ्य॑मग्ने अ॒मृता॑य॒ दाश॒द्दुव॒स्त्वे कृ॒णव॑ते य॒तस्रु॑क् ।

न स रा॒या श॑शमा॒नो वि यो॑ष॒न्नैन॒मंहः॒ परि॑ वरदघा॒योः ॥

yáḥ túbhyam agne amṛ́tāya dā́śat dúvaḥ tvé␣íti kṛṇávate yatá-sruk ǀ

ná sáḥ rāyā́ śaśamānáḥ ví yoṣat ná enam áṃhaḥ pári varat agha-yóḥ ǁ

He who gives to thee, O Fire, to the Immortal, and does in thee the work outstretching the Ladle, may he not in his labour be divorced from the riches, let not the sin of one who would do evil surround him.


यस्य॒ त्वम॑ग्ने अध्व॒रं जुजो॑षो दे॒वो मर्त॑स्य॒ सुधि॑तं॒ ररा॑णः ।

प्री॒तेद॑स॒द्धोत्रा॒ सा य॑वि॒ष्ठासा॑म॒ यस्य॑ विध॒तो वृ॒धासः॑ ॥

yásya tvám agne adhvarám jújoṣaḥ deváḥ mártasya sú-dhitam rárāṇaḥ ǀ

prītā́ ít asat hótrā sā́ yaviṣṭha ásāma yásya vidhatáḥ vṛdhā́saḥ ǁ

He in whose pilgrim-rite thou takest pleasure and, divine, takest delight in the well-founded work of a mortal, may the Power of the Call be pleased with him, O most young Fire, of whom worshipping may we bring about the increase.


चित्ति॒मचि॑त्तिं चिनव॒द्वि वि॒द्वान्पृ॒ष्ठेव॑ वी॒ता वृ॑जि॒ना च॒ मर्ता॑न् ।

रा॒ये च॑ नः स्वप॒त्याय॑ देव॒ दितिं॑ च॒ रास्वादि॑तिमुरुष्य ॥

cíttim ácittim cinavat ví vidvā́n pṛṣṭhā́-iva vītā́ vṛjinā́ ca mártān ǀ

rāyé ca naḥ su-apatyā́ya deva dítim ca rā́sva áditim uruṣya ǁ

Let the knower discriminate the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the straight open levels and the crooked that shut in mortals; O God, for the riches, for the right birth of the Son3, lavish on us the finite and guard the Infinite4.


क॒विं श॑शासुः क॒वयोऽद॑ब्धा निधा॒रयं॑तो॒ दुर्या॑स्वा॒योः ।

अत॒स्त्वं दृश्याँ॑ अग्न ए॒तान्प॒ड्भिः प॑श्ये॒रद्भु॑ताँ अ॒र्य एवैः॑ ॥

kavím śaśāsuḥ kaváyaḥ ádabdhāḥ ni-dhāráyantaḥ dúryāsu āyóḥ ǀ

átaḥ tvám dṛ́śyān agne etā́n paṭ-bhíḥ paśyeḥ ádbhutān aryáḥ évaiḥ ǁ

Seers unconquered proclaimed the seer, they established him5 within in the gated house of the human being. Then, O Flame, mayst thou reach with thy journeying feet and, exalted, see those transcendent6 ones who must come into our vision7.


त्वम॑ग्ने वा॒घते॑ सु॒प्रणी॑तिः सु॒तसो॑माय विध॒ते य॑विष्ठ ।

रत्नं॑ भर शशमा॒नाय॑ घृष्वे पृ॒थु श्चं॒द्रमव॑से चर्षणि॒प्राः ॥

tvám agne vāgháte su-pránītiḥ sutá-somāya vidhaté yaviṣṭha ǀ

rátnam bhara śaśamānā́ya ghṛ́ṣve pṛthú candrám ávase carṣaṇi-prā́ḥ ǁ

O Fire, ever most young, mayst thou giving thy good leading to the singer of the word who has pressed the wine and performed the sacrifice, bring to him in his labour, luminous one, an ecstasy wide in its delight, filling the seeing man for his safeguard.


अधा॑ ह॒ यद्व॒यम॑ग्ने त्वा॒या प॒ड्भिर्हस्ते॑भिश्चकृ॒मा त॒नूभिः॑ ।

रथं॒ न क्रंतो॒ अप॑सा भु॒रिजो॑र्ऋ॒तं ये॑मुः सु॒ध्य॑ आशुषा॒णाः ॥

ádha ha yát vayám agne tvā-yā́ paṭ-bhíḥ hástebhiḥ cakṛmá tanū́bhiḥ ǀ

rátham ná krántaḥ ápasā bhuríjoḥ ṛtám yemuḥ su-dhyáḥ āśuṣāṇā́ḥ ǁ

O Fire, as we have done with our hands, with our feet, with our bodies in our desire of thee, like men who make a chariot with the toil of their two arms, so, the wise thinkers have laboured out the Truth and possess it8.


अधा॑ मा॒तुरु॒षसः॑ स॒प्त विप्रा॒ जाये॑महि प्रथ॒मा वे॒धसो॒ नॄन् ।

दि॒वस्पु॒त्रा अंगि॑रसो भवे॒माद्रिं॑ रुजेम ध॒निनं॑ शु॒चंतः॑ ॥

ádha mātúḥ uṣásaḥ saptá víprāḥ jā́yemahi prathamā́ḥ vedhásaḥ nṝ́n ǀ

diváḥ putrā́ḥ áṅgirasaḥ bhavema ádrim rujema dhanínam śucántaḥ ǁ

Now may we be born as the seven illumined seers of the Dawn, the mother, supreme creators creating the Gods within us; may we become the Angirasas, sons of Heaven and, shining with light, break the hill that has within it the riches.


अधा॒ यथा॑ नः पि॒तरः॒ परा॑सः प्र॒त्नासो॑ अग्न ऋ॒तमा॑शुषा॒णाः ।

शुचीद॑यं॒दीधि॑तिमुक्थ॒शासः॒ क्षामा॑ भिं॒दंतो॑ अरु॒णीरप॑ व्रन् ॥

ádha yáthā naḥ pitáraḥ párāsaḥ pratnā́saḥ agne ṛtám āśuṣāṇā́ḥ ǀ

śúci ít ayan dī́dhitim uktha-śásaḥ kṣā́mā bhindántaḥ aruṇī́ḥ ápa vran ǁ

Now, too, O Fire, even as our supreme and ancient fathers, desiring to possess the Truth, speakers of the word, reached the very purity, reached the splendour of the Light9; as they broke through the earth and uncovered the ruddy herds.


सु॒कर्मा॑णः सु॒रुचो॑ देव॒यंतोऽयो॒ न दे॒वा जनि॑मा॒ धमं॑तः ।

शु॒चंतो॑ अ॒ग्निं व॑वृ॒धंत॒ इंद्र॑मू॒र्वं गव्यं॑ परि॒षदं॑तो अग्मन् ॥

su-kármāṇaḥ su-rúcaḥ deva-yántaḥ áyaḥ ná devā́ḥ jánima dhámantaḥ ǀ

śucántaḥ agním vavṛdhántaḥ índram ūrvám gávyam pari-sádantaḥ agman ǁ

Perfect in action, perfect in lustre, desiring the godhead, becoming gods, they smelted and forged the Births as one forges iron, flaming with light they made the Fire to grow, surrounding Indra they reached the wide mass of the Ray-Cows.


आ यू॒थेव॑ क्षु॒मति॑ प॒श्वो अ॑ख्यद्दे॒वानां॒ यज्जनि॒मांत्यु॑ग्र ।

मर्ता॑नां चिदु॒र्वशी॑रकृप्रन्वृ॒धे चि॑द॒र्य उप॑रस्या॒योः ॥

ā́ yūthā́-iva kṣu-máti paśváḥ akhyat devā́nām yát jánima ánti ugra ǀ

mártānām cit urváśīḥ akṛpran vṛdhé cit aryáḥ úparasya āyóḥ ǁ

There was seen as if herds of the Cows in an opulent place, that which, seen near, was the birth of the gods10, O Forceful Fire; they both illumined11 the widenesses of mortals and were aspirants for the growth12 of the higher being.


अक॑र्म ते॒ स्वप॑सो अभूम ऋ॒तम॑वस्रन्नु॒षसो॑ विभा॒तीः ।

अनू॑नम॒ग्निं पु॑रु॒धा सु॑श्चं॒द्रं दे॒वस्य॒ मर्मृ॑जत॒श्चारु॒ चक्षुः॑ ॥

ákarma te su-ápasaḥ abhūma ṛtám avasran uṣásaḥ vi-bhātī́ḥ ǀ

ánūnam agním purudhā́ su-candrám devásya mármṛjataḥ cā́ru cákṣuḥ ǁ

For thee we worked and became perfect in our works, the Dawn shone out and illumined the Truth; we lit the unstinted Fire in the multitude of its kinds, in the fullness of his delight, brightening the beautiful eye of the Godhead.


ए॒ता ते॑ अग्न उ॒चथा॑नि वे॒धोऽवो॑चाम क॒वये॒ ता जु॑षस्व ।

उच्छो॑चस्व कृणु॒हि वस्य॑सो नो म॒हो रा॒यः पु॑रुवार॒ प्र यं॑धि ॥

etā́ te agne ucáthāni vedhaḥ ávocāma kaváye tā́ juṣasva ǀ

út śocasva kṛṇuhí vásyasaḥ naḥ maháḥ rāyáḥ puru-vāra prá yandhi ǁ

These are the utterances, O creator, O Fire, we have spoken to thee the seer, in them take pleasure. Flame upwards, make us move full of possessions; O thou of many boons, give us the Great Riches.


1 Or, fighter or worker,


2 Or, it is a comrade with whom are the gods,


3 Or, for the riches with the fair offspring,


4 Diti and Aditi, the divided and the undivided Consciousness, the Mother of division and the Indivisible Mother.


5 Or, commanded the seer, they upheld him


6 Or, wonderful


7 Or, made visible; the word means either “visible” or “to be seen”.


8 Or desiring to possess it.


9 Or, entered into meditation and reached the very purity;


10 Or, there was seen like herds of the Cow in an opulent place that which is near to the birth of the godheads,


11 Or, achieved the wide illuminations of mortals


12 Or, warriors for the growth
