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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 7


प्र य आ॒रुः शि॑तिपृ॒ष्ठस्य॑ धा॒सेरा मा॒तरा॑ विविशुः स॒प्त वाणीः॑ ।

प॒रि॒क्षिता॑ पि॒तरा॒ सं च॑रेते॒ प्र स॑र्स्राते दी॒र्घमायुः॑ प्र॒यक्षे॑ ॥

prá yé ārúḥ śiti-pṛṣṭhásya dhāséḥ ā́ mātárā viviśuḥ saptá vā́ṇīḥ ǀ

pari-kṣítā pitárā sám carete␣íti prá sarsrāte␣íti dīrghám ā́yuḥ pra-yákṣe ǁ

They who have climbed from the dark-backed foundation have entered the Father and Mother, have entered into the seven voices. The Father and Mother who dwell encompassing all move abroad and go forward to give by sacrifice long-extended the Life.


दि॒वक्ष॑सो धे॒नवो॒ वृष्णो॒ अश्वा॑ दे॒वीरा त॑स्थौ॒ मधु॑म॒द्वहं॑तीः ।

ऋ॒तस्य॑ त्वा॒ सद॑सि क्षेम॒यंतं॒ पर्येका॑ चरति वर्त॒निं गौः ॥

divákṣasaḥ dhenávaḥ vṛ́ṣṇaḥ áśvāḥ devī́ḥ ā́ tasthau mádhu-mat váhantīḥ ǀ

ṛtásya tvā sádasi kṣema-yántam pári ékā carati vartaním gáuḥ ǁ

He reached the milch-cows that dwell in heaven, the Mares of the male, the divine rivers that carry in their flow the sweetness. The one Light moves on the way around thee when thou seekest thy dwelling in the house of the Truth.


आ सी॑मरोहत्सु॒यमा॒ भवं॑तीः॒ पति॑श्चिकि॒त्वान्र॑यि॒विद्र॑यी॒णां ।

प्र नील॑पृष्ठो अत॒सस्य॑ धा॒सेस्ता अ॑वासयत्पुरु॒धप्र॑तीकः ॥

ā́ sīm arohat su-yámāḥ bhávantīḥ pátiḥ cikitvā́n rayi-vít rayīṇā́m ǀ

prá nī́la-pṛṣṭhaḥ atasásya dhāséḥ tā́ḥ avāsayat purudhá-pratīkaḥ ǁ

On every side he ascends them and they become easy to control, he awakes to knowledge and is the lord and discoverer of the riches. Fire with his blue back and many diverse faces brings them from the ever-moving foundation to a settled dwelling.


महि॑ त्वा॒ष्ट्रमू॒र्जयं॑तीरजु॒र्यं स्त॑भू॒यमा॑नं व॒हतो॑ वहंति ।

व्यंगे॑भिर्दिद्युता॒नः स॒धस्थ॒ एका॑मिव॒ रोद॑सी॒ आ वि॑वेश ॥

máhi tvāṣṭrám ūrjáyantīḥ ajuryám stabhu-yámānam vahátaḥ vahanti ǀ

ví áṅgebhiḥ didyutānáḥ sadhá-sthe ékām-iva ródasī␣íti ā́ viveśa ǁ

The rivers energised and bear his mighty force of formation firmly fixed and undecaying; he shines out wide with his limbs in the world of his session and has entered earth and heaven as if they were one.


जा॒नंति॒ वृष्णो॑ अरु॒षस्य॒ शेव॑मु॒त ब्र॒ध्नस्य॒ शास॑ने रणंति ।

दि॒वो॒रुचः॑ सु॒रुचो॒ रोच॑माना॒ इळा॒ येषां॒ गण्या॒ माहि॑ना॒ गीः ॥

jānánti vṛ́ṣṇaḥ aruṣásya śévam utá bradhnásya śā́sane raṇanti ǀ

divaḥ-rúcaḥ su-rúcaḥ rócamānāḥ íḷā yéṣām gáṇyā mā́hinā gī́ḥ ǁ

They knew the bliss of the ruddy-shining bull and they rejoice in the rule of the Great One; they are the lights of heaven luminously blazing and the Word of Revelation is their mighty common speech.


उ॒तो पि॒तृभ्यां॑ प्र॒विदानु॒ घोषं॑ म॒हो म॒हद्भ्या॑मनयंत शू॒षं ।

उ॒क्षा ह॒ यत्र॒ परि॒ धान॑म॒क्तोरनु॒ स्वं धाम॑ जरि॒तुर्व॒वक्ष॑ ॥

utó␣íti pitṛ́-bhyām pra-vídā ánu ghóṣam maháḥ mahát-bhyām anayanta śūṣám ǀ

ukṣā́ ha yátra pári dhā́nam aktóḥ ánu svám dhā́ma jaritúḥ vavákṣa ǁ

And great by the knowledge of the great Father and Mother they led his strength in the wake of its proclaiming call, where the bull bears his worshipper round the hold of night towards its own seat.


अ॒ध्व॒र्युभिः॑ पं॒चभिः॑ स॒प्त विप्राः॑ प्रि॒यं र॑क्षंते॒ निहि॑तं प॒दं वेः ।

प्रांचो॑ मदंत्यु॒क्षणो॑ अजु॒र्या दे॒वा दे॒वाना॒मनु॒ हि व्र॒ता गुः ॥

adhvaryú-bhiḥ pañcá-bhiḥ saptá víprāḥ priyám rakṣante ní-hitam padám véríti␣véḥ ǀ

prā́ñcaḥ madanti ukṣáṇaḥ ajuryā́ḥ devā́ḥ devā́nām ánu hí vratā́ gúríti␣gúḥ ǁ

Seven illumined seers guard by the five priests of the pilgrim-rite the beloved1 seat of the being that is set within: moving forward the imperishable bulls take joy; the gods move according to the law of the workings of the gods.


दैव्या॒ होता॑रा प्रथ॒मा न्यृं॑जे स॒प्त पृ॒क्षासः॑ स्व॒धया॑ मदंति ।

ऋ॒तं शंसं॑त ऋ॒तमित्त आ॑हु॒रनु॑ व्र॒तं व्र॑त॒पा दीध्या॑नाः ॥

dáivyā hótārā prathamā́ ní ṛñje saptá pṛkṣā́saḥ svadháyā madanti ǀ

ṛtám śáṃsantaḥ ṛtám ít té āhuḥ ánu vratám vrata-pā́ḥ dī́dhyānāḥ ǁ

I crown the two supreme Priests of the invocation. The seven pleasures take their rapture by the self-law of their nature; the Truth they express, the Truth only they speak, guardians of the law of its action according to that law they shine.


वृ॒षा॒यंते॑ म॒हे अत्या॑य पू॒र्वीर्वृष्णे॑ चि॒त्राय॑ र॒श्मयः॑ सुया॒माः ।

देव॑ होतर्मं॒द्रत॑रश्चिकि॒त्वान्म॒हो दे॒वान्रोद॑सी॒ एह व॑क्षि ॥

vṛṣa-yánte mahé átyāya pūrvī́ḥ vṛ́ṣṇe citrā́ya raśmáyaḥ su-yāmā́ḥ ǀ

déva hotaḥ mandrá-taraḥ cikitvā́n maháḥ devā́n ródasī␣íti ā́ ihá vakṣi ǁ

The many Rays well governed in their course, grow passionate for the great Horse, the many-hued Bull. O divine Priest of the call, rapturous, awaking to knowledge, bring here the great gods and earth and heaven.


पृ॒क्षप्र॑यजो द्रविणः सु॒वाचः॑ सुके॒तव॑ उ॒षसो॑ रे॒वदू॑षुः ।

उ॒तो चि॑दग्ने महि॒ना पृ॑थि॒व्याः कृ॒तं चि॒देनः॒ सं म॒हे द॑शस्य ॥

pṛkṣá-prayajaḥ draviṇaḥ su-vā́caḥ su-ketávaḥ uṣásaḥ revát ūṣuḥ ǀ

utó␣íti cit agne mahinā́ pṛthivyā́ḥ kṛtám cit énaḥ sám mahé daśasya ǁ

The swift-running dawns have shone opulently bringing us our satisfactions, with their true speech, their rays of intuition. And do thou, O Fire, by the greatness of the earth cut away for the Vast even the sin that has been done.


इळा॑मग्ने पुरु॒दंसं॑ स॒निं गोः श॑श्वत्त॒मं हव॑मानाय साध ।

स्यान्नः॑ सू॒नुस्तन॑यो वि॒जावाग्ने॒ सा ते॑ सुम॒तिर्भू॑त्व॒स्मे ॥

íḷām agne puru-dáṃsam saním góḥ śaśvat-tamám hávamānāya sādha ǀ

syā́t naḥ sūnúḥ tánayaḥ vijā́-vā agne sā́ te su-matíḥ bhūtu asmé␣íti ǁ

O Fire, achieve at my call the Revealing Speech, the many-actioned, the lasting conquest of the Light. May there be for us a Son of our begetting pervading in his birth2; O Fire, may there be created in us that true thinking of thine.


1 Or, delightful


2 Or, himself a begetter;
