from Sanskrit and Other Languages
II. From Bengali
O friend, my friend, has pain a farther bound
Which sounds can utter, for which words are found?
Fiercely the flute’s breath through me ran and thrilled,
My body with sweet dreadful sound was filled.
By violence that brooks not of control
The cruel music enters all my soul.
Then every limb enamoured swoons with shame
And every thought is wrapped in utter flame.
Yea, all my labouring body mightily
Was filled and panted with sweet agony.
I dared not lift my eyes. My elders spoke
Around me when that wave of passion broke,
And such a languor through my being crept,
My very robe no more its office kept.
With slow feet on their careful steps intent
Panting into the inner house I went.
Even yet I tremble from the peril past,
So fierce a charm the flute upon me cast.