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The Mother


Volume 12

February 10, 1971

Good morning, Mother.

Well, what's new?...

How are you, Mother?

It's not coming very fast.... It's all right, the leg is almost better – almost, there's still a tiny little something in the foot, but it's nothing at all. But the eyesight is not too clear. It's better – everything is improving, but very, very slowly. And willpower seems to have nothing to do with it. It's something entirely beyond my control – what is it exactly? I don't know.

It must depend on the rest of the world, perhaps?

Yes, probably.... Yes, it's not a personal question because.... The personal will is there, but it's kept like this (motionless gesture in the background). It's at peace. Well....

Suddenly I am able to straighten up (you know, I was afraid I would be bent over forever), suddenly I can straighten up. Then at another time I look at those cards to exercise my eyes;1 and suddenly, one morning, it's very clear, I can see very clearly – as if to prove that the possibility is there. But the time has not come yet. So I am waiting.

The only thing is the 21st.... I said (maybe too soon, I don't know) that I would go out on the balcony; therefore I MUST go out on the balcony. Right now it looks... problematical, but.... I can't take one step without being supported.

We'll see. There's still a week.

It's entirely beyond my will – it's not that the will isn't there, but... (immutable gesture). So I have to say, “Well, what will be will be.”

May I hear another chapter now?

Yes, Mother.

(After the reading of chapter 13, “And After?”)

I find what you wrote truly miraculous, you know.

(long contemplation)


1 An oculist's chart with letters of various sizes. Mother does regular reading exercises.









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