The Mother
Volume 9
June 5, 1968
I have a question about P.L. There are two new facts. First, a few years ago, P. L. was in touch with an extremely rich American woman, whom he helped. That woman is very grateful to P. L. and would like to give him one million dollars for a charity.
That would come in handy!
Yes, but she's very Catholic. That was at a time when P.L. was in orders.
Is she Catholic?
Yes, she's even very pious. A nice woman, it seems. So P. L. asks if he shouldn't try to explain to her what he's doing here, to send her a few of your books and see how it acts. It might make her turn to something more interesting?
Isn't she a woman who wants “peace on earth”?
I don't know. When P.L. met her, her daughter had been murdered, and in that difficult moment, P.L. helped her. So she is very grateful and would like to give this money to a charity – a Christian charity, of course.
People of that sort generally understand a charity better than ideas.
Auroville, as Sri Aurobindo said, is a practical means to create a human unity that would be strong enough to fight against war.
It's to be seen. We may try.
We'll see.
There is another fact regarding this Msgr. R., whose huge holdings were managed by P.L. There was a thought (it was J.'s thought) to send him my book, the “Adventure of Consciousness,” and he has written an enthusiastic letter in which he says he's very taken with the book and is prodigiously interested. And he has sent P. L. a second letter, saying, “If I weren't detained in Rome, I would go and join you immediately.”
Oh!... That's good. It's good.