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The Mother


Volume 6

January 16, 1965

(From Mother to Satprem)

Saturday evening

Satprem, mon cher petit,

Today at noon, I spoke to the doctor about you, and he explained your case to me and told me what has to be done.

He has convinced me, and I think it is the swiftest way of being radically cured. Thus you will take that week1 as an exercise in “inner contact.”

Naturally, I will be with you in light and love.

Signed: Mother


1 That “week” in the Vellore hospital was to last more than a month. Mother's letter astounded Satprem, as he did not believe in medicine; he held quite a grudge against Mother, without understanding that She perhaps had other, “educational” intentions. But in reality, during that month in Vellore, Satprem kept fighting not against the so-called “illness,” but against the frightful atmosphere of death and suggestion of death that filled that hospital as in a medical Auschwitz.









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