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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 22088

If that is so, then the meditation is all right and can continue – the difficulty in the throat is due to the resistance in the physical mind (whose centre is in the throat) taking a very material form. That should not be so difficult to remove.

But the other difficulty is the resistance of the exterior vital – it must be that that rises up when there comes the restless dissatisfied uneasy condition – it is the external vital that feels its desires unsatisfied, its instincts thwarted and life unsatisfactory. It feels the pressure on it to change but resists and this condition is the result. If the psychic in the physical can once come out, all that will disappear. It is difficult and takes time because these things (envy, jealousy etc.) have been part of the external nature so long in this life that they have a right to be there and insist and return even when ejected for the time being. It is only by a long and persistent action of the Force or else a sudden coming out of the psychic being from behind that it will entirely go.