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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Third Series

Fragment ID: 21093


Yes, simplicity is always a sound basis for poetic style. Even if one has to be complex, subtle or ornate by necessity of the inspiration, the basic habit of simplicity gives a greater note of genuineness and power to it.

I do not think I have been unduly enthusiastic over Yeats, but one must recognise his great artistry in language and verse in which he is far superior to AE – just as AE as a man and a seer was far superior to Yeats. Yeats never got beyond a beautiful mid-world of the vital Antariksha, he has not penetrated beyond to spiritual-mental heights as AE did, ‘But all the same, when one speaks of poetry, it is the poetical element to which one must give the most importance. What Yeats expressed he expressed with great poetical beauty, perfection and power and he has, besides, a creative imagination. AE had an unequal profundity of vision and power and range in the spiritual and psychic field. AE’s thought and way of seeing and saying things is much more sympathetic to me than Yeats’ who only touches a brilliant floating skirt-edge of the truth of things – but I cannot allow that to influence me when I have to judge of the poetic side of their respective achievements.... The depths of AE are greater than those of Yeats, assuredly. His suggestiveness must therefore be profounder. In this poem (AE’s poem entitled Sibyil) which you have translated very beautifully, his power of expression, always penetrating, simple and direct, is at its best and his best can be miraculously perfect. Of course when you are writing poems or composing you are in contact with your inner being, that is why you feel so different then. The whole art of yoga is to get that contact and to get from it into the inner being itself, for so one can enter directly into and remain in all that is great and luminous and beautiful. Then one can try to establish them in this troublesome and defective outer shell of oneself and in the outer world also.