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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Third Series

Fragment ID: 20981

The inner Mind can get the reflection of the higher experience or, of course, by descent in yoga the higher realisation can come down into the lower planes – that is indeed the object of this Yoga. But what I meant was that the Higher Mind is itself a spiritual plane and that one who lives in it has naturally the realisation of the Self, the One everywhere. The inner Mind has not that naturally,, but it can open to it; all the same, between the reflected realisation in the mind and the automatic realisation in the spiritual mental planes there is a difference.

The plane of dynamic vision is a part of the inner Mind and perhaps should be called a province rather than a plane. There are many kinds of vision in the inner Mind and not dynamic vision only. So, to fix invariable characteristics for the poetry of the inner Mind is not easy or even possible. It is a thing to be felt rather than mentally definable. A certain spontaneous intensity of vision is usually there, but not of that large or rich sweep or power which belongs to the Illumined Mind; moreover, it is more subtle and fine and has not the wideness which is the characteristic of the planes that rise towards the Overmind.