Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
3. The Mother and the Practice of the Integral Yoga
Fragment ID: 19555
In Bases of Yoga one reads: “It is with the Mother who is always with you and in you that you converse.”1 Could you tell me briefly how a sadhak converses with the Mother?
One hears the voice or the thought speaking inwardly and one answers inwardly. Only it is not always safe for the sadhak if there is any insincerity of ego, desire, vanity, ambition in him – for then he may construct a voice or thought in his mind and ascribe it to the Mother and it will say to him pleasing and flattering things which mislead him. Or he may mistake some other Voice for the Mother’s.
2 July 1936
1 See the letter of 7 December 1933 on pages 311 – 12. That letter was published, in a revised form, in “Bases of Yoga” in 1936. – Ed.