Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 1. 1933-34
Fragment ID: 16141
When the psychic has put its influence into the mind, why is it so weak that it cannot prevent the wrong thoughts and impulses coming in, but simply tolerates them with an uneasy feeling?
The mind and the vital have always been dominant and developed themselves and are accustomed to act for themselves. How do you expect an influence coming forward and for the first time to be stronger? The psychic is not uneasy, it makes you uneasy when you do the wrong thing.
The uneasiness created by the psychic is not depression – it is in the nature of a rejection of the wrong movement. If the uneasiness causes depression or vital dissatisfaction, it is not the psychic.
The uneasiness is simply a reminder to you to be more vigilant in future.