Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 9401
Inward Worship and Outer Forms [2]
You have written [in the preceding letter] that the “old forms... may fall away”; but I think it would be proper if they fell away only after a true consciousness was established.
That is what I meant.
It would seem to me that there would be no impropriety if forms like Pranam, Dhup, Dip or Naivedya are continued even after a true inner consciousness is established.
I was thinking not of Pranam etc. which have a living value, but of old forms which persist although they have no longer any value – e.g. Sraddha for the dead. Also here forms which have no relation to this Yoga – for instance Christians who cling to the Christian forms or Mahomedans to the Namaz or Hindus to the Sandhyavandana in the old way might soon find them either falling off or else an obstacle to the free development of their sadhana.
3 January 1934