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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 9050

Does Not Give Instructions in Yoga to Outsiders [7]

[Letter from an outsider to one of Sri Aurobindo’s disciples:]

Can you enlighten me as to the reason for Sri Aurobindo’s silence?

Just as I see no one, so I answer usually no letters except those of the disciples and many of these even are not answered by myself personally if they are outside the Asram.

Will you also advise me how I can obtain his kṛpā?

My spiritual work is limited to a very small field and a particular purpose. Outside that field I never intervene whether for spiritual instructions or worldly matters. This limitation is absolutely necessary otherwise I could not do the work I have to do. All depends on whether the man who comes to me is meant for the spiritual path and its work – if not, then all I can do is to give him the kalyāṇ ecchā which one can always give. The rest depends upon himself or his karma. I shall ask Nolini for X’s letters and see. But at present I can say nothing.

25 January 1936