Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 8465
Psychic Being [3]
As directed, “psychic being” has been translated as caitya puruṣa. Does this mean the puruṣa in the citta? Is jīva the combined and the fundamental being of all the beings – the vital, the psychic and others?
चैत्य पुरुष [caitya puruṣa] means rather the पुरुष [puruṣa] in the चित् [cit], the fundamental (inner) consciousness.
जीव [jīva] is the fundamental, or as we call it, the central being. But the fundamental being is not combined of the mental, vital, psychic etc., these are only expressions of the Jivatman; the Jivatman itself is self-existent in the Divine; essential in its being, it cannot be regarded as a combination of things.
1 July 1931