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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1938

Letter ID: 2205

Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar

October 7, 1938

[Sri Aurobindo and the Mother]

“The agelong faceted memory of life

Is strewn with silences of the Infinite...”

Lord! sir, what on earth do you mean? “agelong faceted” is “strewn”?

“I live like a rock of diamond trancehood...”

A rock doesn’t live.

Seeing this incomplete piece of fire-work, you are sure to swear at me at every step!

Haven’t sufficient energy or time to swear at every step,– only where blasphemy is needed.

I want now to play a different game with the Muse: just note down whatever comes; not the old tedious game of waiting, straining and praying for every line till it descends after half an hour! What’s the result of the new process?

Very much the same as in the old.

Last night N had shivering with bad joint pains. Today (5 p.m.) fever 103° and a “hammering” headache. He wants your sanction for any internal medication.

[Mother:] Better if he takes medicine.

When I went to foment Lila’s leg last night, I just enquired about Nirmala and found her very feverish with a bad headache. I washed her head with cold water and asked Lila to sponge the body with warm water today. My little interference, I hope, wasn’t bad.

[Mother:] No, you did well to help.