Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 2. 1938
Letter ID: 2132
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
June 21, 1938
[Sri Aurobindo and the Mother]
Guru, nearly the whole of yesterday’s poem came in the evening meditation – hence its intuitive character! Today’s came through perspiring trance!
Not intuitive but a very well-inspired perspiration. You seem to have got back your swing.
The mangoes given to T are spoilt usually. Are they bought or sent by somebody?
[Mother:] Mangoes are not bought. They must be coming from one or another garden.
She proposes to take more rice and bread instead of fruits.
[Mother:] If she takes bread and butter it will help.
R.B. has no pain today. Can she begin work?
[Mother:] She may try.
Does Benjamin still require special cooking?
[Mother:] Ask André –
We have a meat extract lying here, bought for Raymond. Shall we give it to Bala?
[Mother:] Yes, but it is better if he takes it in the dispensary itself as a medicine. Because if he takes it to his home, his mother may very well take it instead of he –