Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 2. 1938
Letter ID: 2122
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
June 8, 1938
[Sri Aurobindo and the Mother]
“Slowly unfold before my vision
World after world of light...”
These 2 lines seem to be a theft from your sonnet.
No. Anybody can see worlds unfolding before the vision. It is only if the language is reproduced that it can be called a theft.
I think it is better to open Bala’s abscess. Shall we do it here or in the hospital?
[Mother:] It might be better to take him to the hospital.
P.S. Arjava told me to-day that he had gone to you, almost a week ago, for a tonic and that you had given one which did him a lot of good, and then you told him that there was no more of it in the dispensary and gave him something else which had not a good effect. Can you tell me what was this first tonic and if it is available here?