Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 2. 1938
Letter ID: 2107
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
May 22, 1938
“A strange intensity glows
Through its wild frame
Sweeping all barriers flows
Its mystery-flame.”
What is this domestic broomstick work on barriers? If you mean, sweeping away, you have to say so.
Guru, I was rather depressed not to find any double lines in yesterday’s poem.
I said it was a fine poem – that is the equivalent of lines.
I have tried to drag the Muse out; has she come out?
She has come out but trailing three cliché tails behind her. Most reprehensible conduct for a self-respecting Muse.
I am caught by a fear that the store is over and nothing new will come.
No fear!