Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 2. 1938
Letter ID: 2100
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
May 14, 1938
[Sri Aurobindo and the Mother]
R. L. had vomiting sensation in the afternoon. Wonder if it is due to small doses of arsenic... I have stopped it.
[Mother:] Yes beware of the arsenic. Some people cannot stand it at all.
I am tired of these moons, stars, suns, etc. It seems as if spiritual poems can’t do without them.
Excuse me, they can. ন তত্র ভাতি চন্দ্রতারকাং1
1 na tatra bhāti candratārakāṃ: “There the moon and the stars shine not.”