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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1938

Letter ID: 2074

Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar

April 7, 1938

Guru, this property business has been redirected to me. All I understand about it is that the zamindars are now claiming our property. Chand and his mother are also partners. Shall I ask Chand to do what he thinks best or approach my people to do something? My people won’t do anything, I fear, and I don’t rely on Chand either; he is lazy except for his own matters.

I can’t say your exposition of the matter is clear. It is your family property? If so, your family ought to look after it. However you can tell Chand as you propose.

“Dressed in white robes she came

A figure of purity...”

This is not very impressive, these two lines – sounds too much like a lady’s visit.

“O rare figure of Light

I pray for thy measureless boon:

The yearning of the night

For the splendour of thy moon.”

It breathes a little of Intuition, perhaps?

Good Lord, no! This is not intuition,– it is mind manufacture.