Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 1. 1935
Letter ID: 1235
Sri Aurobindo — Nirodbaran Talukdar
January 4, 1935
In meditation, I had again a stillness of the inner and outer being, but the body was gradually bending down, as if I was in a light sleep. I could remember that you were there. Was that a state of sleep due to a full stomach?
You were going into the inner consciousness and away from the outer, that is all.
Is that the medical man’s explanation of the experience? If a full stomach can produce experiences, you ought perhaps to treble or quadruple your rations.
A letter from C. Is it possible for him to come here without being completely cured?
Can’t decipher C. The Doctor has prescribed a treatment and he can’t afford it? Is that it? Or what else?