Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Volume 4
Letter ID: 983
Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar
October 28, 1943
Venkataram yesterday asked me if I could help him in this: he concentrates often on Life Divine, translating, etc. Doesn’t go out much said, “1 am really trying Dilip and I think with some success. But Sisir paces up and down just before my room and that disturbs me. Can you speak to him about it?” I asked him why he didn’t appeal to you. But he feels some qualms about it, he said – it looks like a personal complaint. I did sympathise with him and felt like speaking to Sisir about it. But on second thoughts I decided it would be best to let you know as this might hurt Sisir – though I hope he won’t mind if you tell him to walk elsewhere. It is true, I thought, when one concentrates, it is a little difficult this up and down pacing with a regular thud, before one’s door and that for one whole hour. I tell you this thing simply and briefly. The rest is for you to decide.
Mother does not feel inclined to intervene. Why can’t the sadhaks settle these things amicably between themselves? They ought not to have such porcupine natures as to bristle over small things like these.