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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 4

Letter ID: 979

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

October 20, 1943

(Re: Bengal famine)

I have been feeling very sad of late reading newspapers and talking to friends from Calcutta. The misery there is rampant. At such a time should I go to take part in a marriage festivity where Maya and the Rajas family will spend thousands? Is this attitude a mere sentimental attitude? I can only ask you who know? If it were Your work I would go of course. But it is not your work, is it? Out of pity for Esha ? Is that a reason that ought to weigh ? Please tell me and send me a little force to drive away this sentimental sadness. Is it klaibyam ma sma gamah partha [O Partha!

Yield not to unmanliness. Gita 2.3] Please tell me.

The Mother suggests that you can make it a condition for going that a certain percentage, say ten per cent of the amount of the marriage expenses should be given to a canteen or other organisation for feeding the hungry and starving. You could write to Esha expressing your feelings and saying that you could bring nothing but your sadness to the marriage festivities and overshadowing with it her marriage. Only if the marriage brings this help to the starving could you attend it with a free conscience.