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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 792

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

July 24, 1936

What the deuce is Yogic poetry, not to speak of too Yogic? Poetry is poetry, whatever the subject. If one can’t appreciate the subject one can at least appreciate its poetical expression. One may be a non-drinker yet appreciate the beauty of Anacreon’s1 lyrics and one may be a pacifist and yet appreciate the poetic power of your father’s war song. However, perhaps once there is a conversion in other things, there may be an eleventh hour repentance here also.

Glad to hear about the dream being stopped – that is always a sign of some control beginning even in sleep – so we may hope that the thing is on its last legs indeed. Anyhow, if the lower vital is beginning to reject it, the rest is only a matter of some time.


1 Anacreon (563-478 BCE): Greek poet, noted for his lyrics on love and wine. Only fragments of his poetry exist.
