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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 2. 1934 — 1935

Letter ID: 665

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

December 23, 1935

I have more than once told you you are progressing – certainly much better than your mind is willing to believe. You doubt because it is being pushed on from below the surface both in changes of the inner nature and dream experiences, etc. while your mind is accustomed as yet to look at the most surface results only, and these while they are there, as in this instance, appear like isolated sprouts and do not make an obvious mass to your own eyes. But as you saw in Somnath’s case, they do to men who knew you long ago and have not seen you for some time. A change of spirit is there and a change in the vital – which is preparing the final opening and surrender.